How to Start a New 1-on-1

As an employee, start new 1-on-1s with direct reports, managers, and other colleagues.

In this article: 



1-on-1s are designed to facilitate a productive space and time for colleagues, typically managers and direct reports to prepare and meet with a predetermined agenda. 

The ability to create new 1-on-1s may be disabled depending on your organization's permissions. 

Start a Recurring 1-on-1

On the 1-on-1 Dashboard, in the Recurring Check-In card, you'll see your direct reports, manager, and other immediate colleagues. 

To start a 1-on-1 via the Recurring Check-In card:

  1. Click Set Up for the corresponding colleague
  2. Select between Check-In or a template via the Select a Template drop-down menu
    • Check-In allows both colleagues to enter any agenda item
    • Select a Template gives you the option to choose between your organization's templates
  3. Select the day of the week and time of day for the 1-on-1
  4. Use the Duration drop-down menu to specify the length of the 1-on-1 
  5. Use the toggle to determine if the 1-on-1 is recurring or a one-time event
    • If recurring, use the drop-down menu to select the time interval, i.e. weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. 
  6. Optionally, for video meetings, click Video Meeting Link at the bottom of the screen and enter the video meeting URL
  7. Click Create 1-on-1 to schedule and launch your 1-on-1

Newly created 1-on-1s are titled with the date the 1-on-1 was created.

Manage Recurring 1-on-1s

To manage existing recurring 1-on-1s with your team: 

  1. In the Recurring Check-Ins card, click the icon for the corresponding 1-on-1
    • This menu displays the 1-on-1's schedule and the selected template
  2. Manage this 1-on-1 from this expanded menu
    • Click Edit to adjust the details of the 1-on-1, i.e. template, links, schedule, etc.
    • Click Delete to delete the 1-on-1 and scheduled future 1-on-1s, but will not delete former 1-on-1s that have already taken place

Start a New 1-on-1 

1-on-1s can be created from scratch from the 1-on-1 Dashboard. 

To create a 1-on-1 from the 1-on-1s Dashboard:

  1. Click Start New 1-on-1 in the top-right corner
  2. Under the Participants drop-down menu, specify the other 1-on-1 participant
    • Depending on your organization's settings, you may not have the option to start a 1-on-1 with someone outside of your team via clicking Someone Else
  3. Select between Check-In or a template via the Select a Template drop-down menu
    • Check-In allows both colleagues to enter any agenda item
    • Select a Template gives you the option to choose between your organization's templates
  4. Select the day of the week and time of day for the 1-on-1
  5. Use the Duration drop-down menu to specify the length of the 1-on-1 
  6. Use the toggle to determine if the 1-on-1 is recurring or a one-time event
    • If recurring, use the drop-down menu to select the time interval, i.e. weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. 
    • Recurring 1-on-1s are automatically created by Quantum Workplace four calendar days prior to the scheduled day.
  7. Optionally, for video meetings, click Video Meeting Link at the bottom of the screen and enter the video meeting URL
  8. Click Create 1-on-1 to schedule and launch your 1-on-1

Newly created 1-on-1s are titled with the date the 1-on-1 was created.

Once the 1-on-1 has been created, your partner will receive an in-app notification and an email notification notifying them of their new 1-on-1 with you.