What is Focused Feedback?

Focused Feedback is an approach to Feedback recommended to organizations who are new to Feedback or who want to position their employees to take action on only the most important feedback that they receive. 

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What is Focused Feedback?

Focused Feedback is an approach to Feedback recommended to organizations who are new to Feedback or who want to position their employees to take action on only the most important feedback that they receive. 

With Focused Feedback, the employee's Feedback first goes to the employee's manager who reviews and summarizes the collected feedback. The manager then shares the focused feedback with the employee to ensure the employee only focuses on the most critical takeaways. 

In addition to the employee's direct manager, any upline managers or admin users can write an employee's Focused Feedback Summary. 

When to Use Focused Feedback? 

Focused Feedback is recommended in the following situations:

If an Organization is New to Feedback

If your organization has not launched a Feedback cycle before or is hesitant to introduce Feedback into your workflow. 

Focused Feedback in these instances ensures that your employees have a consistent, guided, and productive experience with Feedback.

Focused Feedback is an excellent first step towards developing a strong Feedback-receptive culture.

If Feedback is Collected from Multiple Voices

If your organization conducts 360 Feedback or any Feedback that involves multiple people giving feedback for one individual. 

Focused Feedback in these instances can help highlight critical action items for the employee to act on, without overwhelming them.

Note: If Focused Feedback is enabled for a cycle, Feedback Recipients don't select their Feedback Providers or see the feedback they received. Instead, recipients will see the Focused Feedback Summary created for them.