Use & Manage Talent Reviews

Talent Review Analytics

Admins and managers can view a complete history of their team's Talent Review ratings within Analytics.

Last Updated: October 3, 2024

In this article: 



As an admin or manager, view Talent Review ratings for everyone you have visibility into via Talent Review analytics. 

Additional Resources:


  • Available to full admin and Focused Admin users
  • Available to managers

Talent Review Visibility

  • Admins: can view Talent Review analytics for every user in the organization, except for themselves
    • Admins with a downline can toggle their view between Admin Access view or Downline to view as a manager

  • Focused admins: can view Talent Review ratings for every user within their administrative scope, learn more about Focused Admins
  • Managers: can view Talent Reviews for every user in their downline

Access Talent Review Analytics

To access the Talent Review analytics: 

  1. Click and expand Analytics in the left-hand navigation menu 
  2. Click Talent Reviews from the expanded menu 

Navigate Talent Review Analytics

Within the Talent Review analytics page, you'll see a Performance x Growth graph with users who received Talent Review ratings plotted in the graph. 

To navigate Talent Review analytics:

  • A. Search & Insights: Reflect the analytics according to search and/or Insight input
    • Search: Enter a name or a role to narrow the results 
    • Insights: Click and expand Insights to select an Insight to filter the results by 
  • B. Calibration Mode: Toggle Calibration Mode on/off, learn more about Calibration Mode
  • C. Performance x Growth Graph: View and interact with this visual to identify the users in each quadrant cell, learn more about the Performance x Growth graph
    • Click a cell to update the list view with users in the selected cell 
    • Click the icon in the center for more information and best practices for each quadrant
  • D. Filters: Use the various filters to specify and narrow the results on display
    • View Mode: Available to admins, allows admins to toggle between an admin or manager view
    • Display Unit: Toggle how users are counted in each cell, i.e. number of users or percentage of the employee population
    • Date Range: Toggle between displaying current information or for a specified range
    • Cycle: Specify if the results should reflect data for a cycle 
    • Filters: Click to view and select various filters to apply to the results
  • E. Talent Review Analytics & Export: Click detailed analytics to view the Talent Review's analytics and export the data, learn more
  • F. List View: A list view of users reflected in the Performance x Growth graph and indicates their retention risk, scores, and additional details
    • Click the user's corresponding arrow to view and edit their information, additionally click the arrow corresponding to the Details column to view scores and associated comments

Act on Talent Reviews

Performance x Growth Graph

Each of the four quadrants of the Performance x Growth chart represents a subset of your users that each requires different coaching and/or retention approaches.

Click the icon in the center of the graph to learn more about each quadrant and the best practices for each quadrant. 

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Create & Manage Insights

When using Talent Review analytics, Insights can be created for an employee, they are typically centered around an employee's Talent Review score and placement in the Performance x Growth graph. 

Insights and Insight Types can help admins and managers focus and organize ongoing conversations around an employee.

Learn more Talent Review Insights.

Calibration Mode

As an admin, when viewing and discussing Talent Review analytics with colleagues, the Calibration toggle can be used to strategically exclude specific users from the results. 

Learn more about Calibration Mode.

To use Calibration Mode:

  1. Click On to enable Calibration Mode
  2. Under Excluded People, click the icon to add user(s) who should be excluded from the analytics
    • To remove an excluded user: hover over their profile and click x
  3. Once all excluded users are added, click View Report 

Talent Review Export

Talent Review data can be exported as PDFs or XLSX files. 

To export Talent Review data:

  1. Click and expand Analytics in the left-hand navigation menu 
  2. Click Talent Reviews
  3. In the right-hand column, click detailed analytics

  4. For the appropriate Talent Review cycle, click Analytics
  5. Click and expand Export in the top-right
  6. Click any of the export options available as a PDF or an XLSX file to export the data 
  7. Open the downloaded file from your browser's downloads