Cross-Platform Functionality
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Usage Report

Understand how employees are using the Quantum Workplace platform.

Last Updated: October 22, 2024

In this article:



As an admin or manager, use the Usage report to understand how employees are using the Quantum Workplace platform.

Admin and Focused Admin users can use the Usage report to view usage data for the entire organization or their administrative scope, respectively. 

Managers can use the Usage report to view usage data for their downline.


  • Available to full admin and Focused Admin users
  • Available to managers

Generate a Usage Report

To generate a Usage report:

  1. Click and expand Analytics in the left-hand navigation menu
  2. Click Usage
  3. Optionally, apply a filter for a more focused result
    • A. Filter by User: View Usage data for the specified user(s)
    • B. Filter by Date: View Usage data according to a specified time range
    • C. Filter by Demographic: View Usage data for a specific demographic, i.e. Location: Boston, Generation: Millennial, etc.
    • D. Deactivated Users: Toggle to include/exclude deactivated users in the report
  4. Click Generate Report
    • Click and expand the Generate Report drop-down to export the Usage report as an XLS file

Navigate the Usage Report

Once generated, the Usage report displays the number of times a user performed a specific action across Quantum Workplace's different features.

Each row represents an individual user. Each column represents a specific action taken in Quantum Workplace categorized by feature.

Continue reading to understand each column of the Usage report.


  • Owned: Number of goals the user owns
  • New: Number of goals the user created or has been added to
  • Closed: Number of goals the user is involved in that have been closed
  • Posts: Number of goal updates the user has made to goals they own or contribute to


  • Received: Number of times the user received recognition
  • Given: Number of times the user gave recognition
    • This counts the number of Recognition posts, not the unique number of Recognition recipients


  • Employee: The number of 1-on-1s launched with this user as the Employee
  • Facilitator: The number of 1-on-1s launched with this user as the Facilitator
  • Shared: The number of times this user shared their responses to a 1-on-1


  • Received: The number of times the user was the recipient of Feedback
  • Provided: The number of times the user provided Feedback
  • Invited: The number of times the user was invited to provide Feedback
  • Opt-Out: The number of times the user opted out of sharing Feedback


  • Comments: The number of comments left on any post, i.e. Recognition, Goal update, etc.
  • Reactions: The number of times the user liked or reacted to a comment or post
  • Updates: The number of times the user created a non-Recognition or non-Goal-related post

Export the Usage Report

The Usage report can be exported as an XLS file to view additional demographic data associated with each user.

To export the Usage report:

  1. Generate a Usage report
  2. Click Export to XLS in the top-right
    • You may have to scroll to the right end of the screen to access the export button
  3. In the new Recent Exports field that appears under the Filters card, click Download File