Best Practices

The Benefits of Using Quantum Workplace's Best Practice Engagement Survey

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

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Quantum Workplace has over 20 years of experience measuring employee engagement. By analyzing over one million survey responses each year, Quantum Workplace can design effective, relevant surveys that empower organizations to drive meaningful employee engagement.

Benefits of Using Quantum Workplace's Best Practice Engagement Survey

In addition to benefiting from Quantum Workplace's research-backed survey, you’ll benefit from the following features when using Quantum Workplace's recommended employee Engagement survey:

  • Benchmarks that allow you to compare your survey feedback with similar
    organizations and industries
  • The My Engagement (ME) Report - a personalized report survey participants receive immediately after taking an Engagement survey with personalized suggestions
  • The Action Library - a collection of action plans that teams can adopt or draw inspiration from
  • Retention Radar - a tool that identifies groups at high risk of leaving and highlights their specific concerns
  • Eligibility to enter Best Places to Work, an employer-of-choice contest
    powered by Quantum Workplace
  • Helpful resources full of Quantum Workplace's guidance and expertise

You can still enjoy many of the benefits above if you make minor customizations to the survey, i.e. adding or editing a few survey questions.

Use the Discussion Starter Generator to create an intelligent, actionable action plan for custom survey questions, learn more. However, moving toward a fully customized survey may disable some of the benefits above.