FAQs: Surveys & Language Translations

FAQs around surveys and the inclusion of additional languages.

In this article: 



FAQs around surveys and the inclusion of additional languages.

As a Survey Participant: How to Change the Survey's Language

As a survey participant, if a survey was configured to be offered in more than one language, you can complete the survey in any of the supported languages.

To translate a survey that supports an additional language:

  1. Open the survey 
  2. Click the current language option drop-down, (Figure A) 
  3. Select any of the supported languages from the drop-down to update the survey in the selected language
  4. Optionally, to save a language as the preferred language, click Set as my preferred language (Figure B) to view future surveys in the preferred language as long as the language is supported

As a Survey Creator: How to Support Additional Languages

As an admin or a Focused Admin, during the survey creation process, you can choose to support additional languages and provide the necessary translations. 

Translations are required for the survey questions, descriptions, and survey communication, e.g. email notifications.

Learn how to support additional languages for your survey. 

Survey Analytics: Viewing Different Languages

When viewing a survey's analytics, if a user responds to an open-ended question or leaves a comment in another language, it will automatically be translated and appear in English. 

To view the open-ended response and/or comments in the original language:

  1. Navigate to the survey's Comments Report
  2. Identify the translated response/comment 
  3. Click Show Original Language

Email Notification Examples

Email notifications for surveys, i.e. survey openings, reminders, etc. are also sent in supported languages. If a supported language is set as the default language for the user, notification emails will be displayed in their preferred language.

Email Notifications with a Preferred Language

The following is an example of a survey notification when a user has set a preferred language, one for English and one for Spanish. 

Email Notifications without a Preferred Language

The following is an example of a survey notification when a user has not set a preferred language. The notification includes all of the survey's supported languages.