Flight Risk

Retention Radar: Group Owners

As the Group Owner assigned to a demographic group of Retention Radar, you have focused visibility into the turnover data for your group.

Last Updated: December 19, 2024

In this article:



As the Group Owner assigned to a demographic group of Retention Radar, you have focused visibility into the turnover data for your group. Create and post comments for the group to communicate retention information with admin users. 

Learn more about Retention Radar.


  • Available to users assigned to a demographic group in Retention Radar by a full admin, learn more

Group Owner Visibility

Group Owners have focused visibility into the assigned demographic group.

Group Owners can view:

  • The demographics of the group they are assigned to, i.e. Group Overview*, Topics of Concern**, and Suggested Action data

Group Owners can not view:

  • Other demographic groups, unless assigned
  • The Manage Assignments modal to add/remove Owners
  • The Discovery tab
  • Their previous comment posts if they were removed/added back to the group
  • *A CSV export with the group's employees
  • **Relevant survey comments created by users in the group

Assign & Manage Group Owners

As a full admin, to assign and manage Group Owners for a demographic group:

  1. Click Retention Radar in the left-hand navigation menu
  2. Identify the demographic group; click Assign this Group/Manage Assignments
  3. Enter and select the user(s) in the Assign Group Owners field
    • Click Remove for the corresponding Owner to remove them from the group
  4. Optionally, customize the message as it will appear to the added Owner(s)' email notification
  5. Click Save Assignments

Access the Retention Radar

Once a user is added to a demographic group as a Group Owner, they receive an in-app and email notification with the link to access their focused Retention Radar view. The email notification's subject line: You've been assigned to a Retention Radar Group.

Retention Radar does not appear in the left-hand navigation menu for non-admin Group Owners. 

To access the Retention Radar as a Group Owner:

  1. Open your email associated with your organization
  2. Click and access the email notification; click View Group

Navigate the Retention Radar

To navigate the Retention Radar as a Group Owner:

  • A. Demographics: Specifies the demographics for the employees in the group of interest
  • B. Group Overview: Indicates the percentage/number of employees considered high-risk for the given group
  • C. Topics of Concern: Signals low-scoring survey questions for the group, including those that differ considerably from the organization's average
  • D. Suggested Actions: Contextual and actionable solutions to consider when addressing the group's low-scoring survey questions
  • E. Group Owner Comments: Thread of comments created by Group Owners to communicate with fellow Owners and admin users


Specifies the demographics for the employees in the group of interest. 

The specified demographics are derived from the current user file, which is why Retention Radar requires that user demographics are accurate and up-to-date.

Group Overview

The Group Overview column indicates the number of employees currently in the group, the number of those who have an up-to-date flight risk calculation, and recent termination data related to the group.

This column highlights the percentage of employees in the group who currently signal high risk according to our flight risk model. For extremely high-risk groups, an icon is used rather than a percentage to indicate Extremely High Risk.

There is also a Turnover Data box that includes an overview of recent terminations that shared the demographics of the group at the time of departure. Specifically, terminations for the year to date are shown along with an indication of how many departures were correctly identified as signaling high risk prior to departure. The report also shows terms from the current quarter along with a breakdown of voluntary versus involuntary exits.

Note: The numbers for voluntary and involuntary exits require the demographic, Standard Exit Type. Custom demographics that capture exit-type information will not be reflected in the Retention Radar.

About Flight Risk Calculations

In simple terms, an employee's flight risk is calculated by considering the employee's tenure and their responses to a specific set of survey questions, typically via an Engagement survey.

Quantum Workplace's model uses a logistic regression method that focuses on the most important factors for predicting turnover, which helps make it more accurate and less prone to errors. By leveraging extensive data on terminations and surveys, along with a proven engagement model, we can focus on the strongest predictors of flight risk. 

Because flight risk calculations are valid for 12 months, it's recommended to conduct annually recurring Engagement surveys to maintain an up-to-date flight risk calculation.

Topics of Concern

The Topics of Concern column highlights survey questions with lower favorability among the group's demographics, particularly those that significantly differ from your organization's average.

Topics of concern include high-impact items from Engagement or Engagement Follow-up surveys, any survey questions that trend with those high-impact questions featured, and low-scoring Exit survey questions.

Retention Radar is meant to serve as a continuous listening mechanism to enable you to track changing perceptions of groups over time across surveys. Relevant survey results will automatically be added to the Topics of Concern column for each group over time as you collect new survey insights from these groups.

Suggested Actions

The Suggested Actions column provides a list of regularly updating contextual, AI-generated solutions.

The AI-generated solutions are based on survey comments and 1-on-1 comments left by employees in the group that relate to the low-scoring survey questions identified as Topics of Concern. The resulting suggested actions are tailored to address the concerns voiced by the employees about topics that matter most to their engagement and retention.

Group Owner Comments

As a Group Owner, create a comment to communicate retention-relevant information with fellow Owners and admin users. Use the comments thread to continue to update stakeholders with turnover efforts and results.