Survey Analytics: Response Rate Report

The Response Rate report shows the percentage of survey participants who have submitted their survey.

Last Updated: October 16, 2024

In this article: 



The Response Rate Report in a survey's analytics displays the percentage of survey-takers who have completed their surveys as well as the completion rate over time.

The report is accessible as soon as the survey launches and tracks the completion rate in real time.

Additional Resources:


  • Available to full admin and survey-admin users

Access the Response Rate Report

To access the Response Rate report: 

  1. From the survey's Overview page
  2. Click and expand the Reports drop-down menu 
  3. Click Response Rate

Navigate the Response Rate Report

To navigate the Response Rate report:

  • A. Response Rate Graph: Displays the completion rate of the survey over time with an interactable graph
  • B. Survey & Response Details: Relevant details i.e., launch/close date, number of invitations/completion, etc.
  • C. Invited Participants: Lists the invited survey participants
    • Attributed surveys indicate the participant's identity; confidential surveys do not indicate the participant's identity
    • For the selected survey only, click Edit Participant Demographics to update a user's demographics

As with all data in your Surveys & Pulses Analytics, completed surveys will be reflected in the count shown in the Response Rate report within one minute of submission.

Edit Participant Demographics

For reporting purposes, you can update a user's demographics from the Response Rate report. 

Any updates made to a user's demographics are only reflected in the current survey's reporting, updates to a user's demographic do not affect a user's demographics in other surveys, nor their demographics according to their profile. 

For example, consider a user who has their location updated from Dallas to Boston. The reporting for the current survey will reflect the user's new Boston location. However, every other survey will continue to list the user with the Dallas location demographic. Additionally, their location according to their profile will continue to list Dallas.

To edit a user's demographics for the current survey's reporting:

  1. In the Invited Participants card, click Edit Participant Demographics
  2. Click the user's corresponding edit icon (Figure A)
  3. Update the necessary fields
  4. Click the save icon to finalize demographic updates for the user (Figure B)
  5. Click Back to Response Rate to return to the previous page

Export the Response Rate Report

The PDF export reflects any filters, slices, and comparisons active in the Response Rate report.

To export the Response Rate as a PDF:

  1. Click and expand Export in the top-right
  2. Click Response Rate PDF
  3. Use your browser's download folder to open and access the export