Survey Analytics: Response Rate Report

The Response Rate report shows the percentage of survey participants who have submitted their survey.

In this article: 



The Response Rate Report in a survey's analytics displays the percentage of survey-takers who have completed their surveys as well as the completion rate over time.

The report is accessible as soon as the survey launches and tracks the completion rate in real-time.

For continued learning and best practices around response rates, consider the following articles:

Access the Response Rate Report

To access the Response Rate report: 

  1. From the survey's Overview page
  2. Click and expand the Reports drop-down menu 
  3. Click Response Rate

Navigate the Response Rate Report

The Response Rate Report displays the completion rate of the survey over time with an interactable graph. 

Additionally, below the graph are multiple key details:

  • Launch Date
  • Close Date
  • Invited
  • Completed
  • Response Rate


This report also includes a list of invited survey participants.

Attributed surveys will indicate the identity of the participant and their completion status. Confidential surveys do not indicate whether an invited participant has completed the survey or not. 

For reporting purposes, click Edit Participant Demographics to update a user's demographics. Any changes to a user's demographics only affect the selected survey. 

As with all data in your Surveys & Pulses Analytics, completed surveys will be reflected in the count shown in the Response Rate report within one minute of submission.

How to Filter, Slice, and Compare Response Rate Reports

To analyze your response rate beyond the survey's overall analytics, apply the Filter, Slice By, or Compare To functions for deeper insights. Learn more about filters, slices, and comparisons.

Click Filter, Slice By, Compare To to enable each function, respectively.


Clicking any of these functions opens a modal where you can select the demographics to filter, slice or compare. Click Apply to update your Response Rate Report view.

Filter Response Rate Reports



Once you have selected a slice, a chart will appear below the main response rate graph displaying the response rate for every group in that demographic. Any active comparisons will also display Comparison cards beneath the chart.



If you would like to see the response rate graph for a particular group in that demographic, e.g. the sales department, you can then apply a filter for a specific demographic group while keeping your slice applied. You can also sort this information into ascending or descending order by clicking the column headers.

To protect the confidentiality of survey-takers, single and automated confidential surveys will display "Insufficient Results" in the Completed and Response Rate columns if the number of responses doesn't meet the minimum threshold. 


Edit Participant Demographics

For reporting purposes, you can update a user's demographics from the Response Rate report. 

Any updates made to a user's demographics are only reflected in the current survey's reporting, updates to a user's demographic do not affect a user's demographics in other surveys, nor their demographics according to their profile. 

For example, consider a user who has their location updated from Dallas to Boston. The reporting for the current survey will reflect the user's new Boston location. However, every other survey will continue to list the user with the Dallas location demographic. Additionally, their location according to their profile will continue to list Dallas.

To edit a user's demographics for the current survey's reporting:

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  1. In the Invited Participants card, click Edit Participant Demographics
  2. Click the user's corresponding edit icon
  3. Update the necessary fields
  4. Click the save icon to finalize demographic updates for the user
  5. Click Back to Response Rate to return to the previous page

Trend Over Time

For analysis based on dates, click All Time in the top-right to expand a drop-down menu with a list of pre-set dates and a custom date range option.

Specifying the time frame will adjust the start and end dates of the graph.

How to Export

Response Rate Reports can be exported by clicking the Export button in the top-right of the screen. This expands a drop-down menu with multiple export options. 

The Response Rate Report's PDF export will reflect any slices enabled in the report.