Quantum Workplace-Recommended Engagement Survey Questions

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Using the following survey questions gives you benchmark data to understand how your organization's strengths & opportunities compare to other organizations. You will receive a high-impact analysis to help determine which survey questions have the most significant impact on engagement in your organization. Learn more about Quantum Workplace's Engagement Survey model.

If you have an Insights package, you also have access to coaching from our experts on our best practices.

Engagement Survey Questions

To get the greatest value out of your Engagement survey, we recommend using all or most of the following questions.

Keep in mind that you can make slight edits to the wording of questions and add other questions relevant to engagement factors, i.e. change management, safety, etc.

The following questions are also used to qualify an organization for the Best Places to Work contest unless otherwise noted by an asterisk. Learn more about the Best Places to Work contests

The following sections, Engagement Outcome and Engagement Impact, list the questions recommended for an Engagement survey.

Engagement Outcome Questions

Quantum Workplace's Engagement Outcome (E9) questions by category:

  • Org Engagement
    • I recommend this organization as a great place to work.
    • I am proud to work here.
    • It would take a lot to get me to leave this organization.
  • Team Engagement
    • My immediate coworkers are committed to this organization's overall goals.
    • My immediate coworkers consistently go the extra mile to achieve great results.
    • I feel accepted by my immediate coworkers.
  • Work Engagement
    • I am inspired by the work we do.
    • I find my work engaging.
    • My work motivates me.

Engagement Impact Questions

Quantum Workplace's Engagement Impact questions:

  • My job allows me to utilize my strengths.
  • When the organization makes changes, I understand why.
  • I have the materials and equipment I need to do my job.
  • I have the information I need to do my job well.
  • My opinions seem to count at work.
  • I know how I fit into the organization's future plans.
  • I understand how my job helps the organization achieve success.
  • I understand the organization's plans for future success.
  • I believe this organization will be successful in the future.
  • Our culture supports my health and well-being.
  • My job gives me flexibility to meet the needs of both my work and personal life.
  • The benefits offered here meet my and my family's needs.
  • I am paid fairly.
  • If I contribute to the organization's success, I know I will be recognized.
  • I clearly understand how my performance is measured.
  • My immediate manager cares about me as a person.
  • My immediate manager cares about my development.
  • The people I work with treat each other with respect.
  • I know I can depend on the other members of my team.
  • Goals and accountabilities are clear to everyone on my team.
  • The senior leaders of this organization demonstrate integrity.
  • I trust our senior leaders to lead the organization to future success.
  • The senior leaders of the organization value people as their most important resource.
  • What is one thing we should START doing to make this a better place to work?*
  • What is one thing we should STOP doing to make this a better place to work?*
  • What is one thing we should CONTINUE doing that makes this a great place to work?*
  • I trust this organization to be fair to all employees.
  • I am included in decisions that affect my work.
  • I feel like I belong here.
  • Senior leadership is prepared to effectively manage a diverse workforce.
  • I have opportunities to learn new skills that will help me succeed.
  • I have opportunities for advancement or promotion at this organization.
  • My immediate manager regularly coaches me on my job performance.

* Questions are not included in Best Places to Work contests

Engagement Follow-Up Survey Questions

To get the greatest value out of your Engagement Follow-Up survey, we recommend using all or most of the following questions.

Quantum Workplace recommended questions:

  • My manager shared the results of the last survey with our team.
  • I noticed positive change as a result of the last survey.
  • What additional feedback do you have regarding our engagement survey follow-up?