Mobile App

Recognition on the Mobile App

The Quantum Workplace mobile app provides a way to view and give Recognition from your smartphone. 

In this article: 



The Quantum Workplace mobile app provides a way to view and give Recognition from your smartphone. 

Recognition activity between a web browser and the mobile app is synchronized and always mirrors one another.


  • Available to organizations with Recognition enabled
  • Available to smartphones with the Quantum Workplace mobile app, learn more

View Recognition 

The Home tab of the Quantum Workplace mobile app displays the Activity Feed as it appears on the web browser version.

Give Recognition

To give Recognition from the Quantum Workplace mobile app:

  1. From the Home tab of the mobile app, tap Give Recognition along the top of the screen
  2. Complete each field:

    • A. Recognition Recipient: Enter and select the Recognition recipient(s)
    • B. Description: Enter context for the Recognition post
    • C. Add Image: Optionally, enrich the post with an image
    • D. Recognition Badge: Select the badge that best represents the nature of the recognition
  3. Tap Post to finalize and publish the Recognition post