Survey Communications & Email Notifications
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  3. Survey Communications & Email Notifications

Post-Survey Communication

Use this article as a guide for how to communicate with your organization post-engagement survey, as well as when to communicate different messages. 

In this article: 



Communication, especially post-survey communication, is an important aspect of a successful engagement survey and overall employee engagement. 

Use this article as a guide for how to communicate with your organization post-engagement survey, as well as when to communicate different messages. 

View and download additional post-survey communication examples. 

Post-Survey Thank You 

It's a best practice to express gratitude and send a thank you message to all of your employees with the final response rate and next steps. Ideally, this message should be communicated with your organization the week after the survey closes.

Here is an email template to follow:

To: All Employees
From: Top Leadership
Subject: Thanks for participating in our Employee Engagement Survey!

Thanks for participating in our Employee Engagement survey!

The Employee Engagement survey is now closed. Our final participation rate was x %.

Thank you for your particiption and sincerity. Your Feedback is in an invaluable tool for this organization's success. 

What's next? 

Quantum Workplace has collected the completed surveys and will begin compiling the results. Below are the two updates you will receive: 

  • Results Overview: In the next two weeks, leadership will send a short memo to every employee sharing our organization’s top three and bottom three survey items.
  • Detailed Results: Within one to two months, leadership will share detailed results via email and an all-company meeting. Brief, brainstormed action plans will also be discussed.

Thank you all again for your sincere participation! Your feedback will help make our organization a great palce to work. 

Anna Awesome, CEO

Post-Survey Results Announcement 

You have received your survey results, now what? For many, an overview email is the simplest way to communicate the results. The following are some best practices to consider when communicating your results with your organization:

  • Stay broad- your overview email should only relay common organizational trends. Save results specific to certain groups for team meetings
  • Avoid sharing only positive results and omitting obvious organizational weaknesses, this may result in a loss of credibility and respect
  • Be timely- this communication should be sent out within a week of receiving your results

Here is an email template to follow:

To: All Employees
From: Top Leadership
Subject: Our Annual Employee Engagement survey results are in! 

Thank you all again to those of you who participated in our annual Employee Engagement Survey! 

[Organization] Survey Results:

Overall, we received a wealth of great feedback from the majority of our employees. We will continue to pour through the data, but for now, we wanted to showcase a few key highlights.

In analyzing the overall company results and implementing solutions, we will focus on key areas, both positive and negative, to ensure that we continue to make [Organization] a great place to work.


The three key areas you rated highest: [Update the list below with your top three categories.]

  • Trust with Coworkers
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Teamwork

The three key areas you rated lowest: [Update the list below with your bottom three categories.]

  • Benefits
  • Feeling Valued
  • Manager Effectiveness

What's Next?

We will continue to review the results and discuss steps to increase engagement.  In the upcoming months, I will send out detailed information on our survey results and brainstormed action plans for improvement.

Beginning next week, an online reporting and action planning tool provided by Quantum Workplace will be rolled out to managers with five or more employees who completed the survey. Results from teams with fewer than five respondents are rolled up to the next manager’s level to protect confidentiality.

The reporting tool will allow managers to compare their team’s results to the rest of [Organization]. Your manager will communicate your individual team’s responses to you.

Thank you for your participation, and we look forward to working with you to build an ever better place to work.

Anna Awesome, CEO