Performance Review Analytics

Use the different reports and exports to look into your organization's Performance Review cycles to explore results and yield actionable insights. 

Last Updated: September 19, 2024

In this article:



Use the different reports and exports to look into your organization's Performance Review cycles to explore results and yield actionable insights. 


  • Available to admin and manger users

Access Performance Review Analytics

To access Performance Review Analytics:

  1. Click and expand Analytics in the left-hand navigation menu
  2. Click Reviews
  3. Click a cycle to navigate to the cycle's analytics Overview tab

Navigate Performance Review Analytics

To navigate Performance Review Analytics:

  • A. Report Tabs: Click to navigate between different reports
  • B. Select Team: Click to filter the results according to a manager org tree or custom org tree
  • C. View Mode: As an admin, click to toggle between an admin/downline view
  • D. Export: Click to expand a drop-down menu with export options for a specific report or all reports

Reporting Tools

When viewing the different analytics reports available to you, use the different reporting tools available to you to view data from different angles and compare insightful data points.  

  • Select Team: Filter the results according to a manager org tree or custom org tree
  • Filter: Narrow the results to only display the selected demographic(s)
  • Slice By: Narrow the results to display the sub-demographics of the selected demographic
    • For example, if results are sliced by the Location demographic, then the results will reflect that for each location
  • Compare To: Allows you to easily see how current results compare to an overall average or to a specific cycle

Overview Report

The Overview tab acts as the landing page and highlights cycle highlights such as launch dates, participants, used templates, etc. 

To navigate and understand the Overview report:

  • A. Analytics Overview: View at-a-glance results for the cycle's different reports; click on a card to navigate to the relevant report
  • B. Cycle Details: View cycle details e.g. cycle participants, dates, template used, etc.

Results Report

The Results report provides an overall average of responses, and question-specific scores for any scaled, NPS, or multi-choice questions broken out by Facilitators and Employees. 

To navigate and understand the Results report:

  • A. Time Range: Click to expand a menu and apply a pre-set time range or the option to create a custom range
  • B. Toggle Participants: Click either participant to toggle their visibility on/off

Comments Report

Use the Comments report to view the responses from each participant for a given question. 

To navigate and understand the Comments report:

  • A. Filter by Question/Keyword: Use the drop-down to show comments for a specific question or filter the results based on an entered keyword
  • B. Question Responses/Comments: Displays the responses from the Employee and Facilitator for the given question
    • Click the link with the employee's name to navigate directly to the Performance Review
  • C. Time Range: Click to expand a menu and apply a pre-set time range or the option to create a custom range
  • D. Comments Count: Indicates the total number of comments according to the active filters, slices, etc. 
  • E. Comment Themes: If in use, lists each theme and the number of tagged comments, learn more

Add & Manage Comment Themes

As an admin, custom themes can be added to a comment to organize comments and allow for a larger-scale image of what is being discussed. 

Themes can be applied to both, the Employee's and Facilitator's comments.

To add/manage comment themes:

  1. Click Edit Themes for the Employee or Facilitator's comment
  2. Enter or select an existing theme
    • New Theme: Enter the theme in the field
    • Select Existing Theme: Click and expand the drop-down before selecting the theme
  3. Click Save
  4. Refresh the page to update the Themes card with the up-to-date theme count

Competencies Report

Use the Competencies report to view an overeall score for each competency with the ability to expand a competency and view question-specific results.

To navigate and understand the Competencies repot:

  • A. Scale: Indicates the scale of the competency, can be expanded to view the question's scale as participants would see
  • B. Competency: Provides an overall score for each competency, can be expanded to view the results for each question within the competency
  • C. Time Range: Click to expand a menu and apply a pre-set time range or the option to create a custom range

Response Rate Report

Use the Response Rate report to view the completion percentage over the cycle's lifetime, as well as the cycle details, i.e. cycle dates, count of employees/facilitators, etc.

To navigate and understand the Response Rate report:

  • A. Cycle Progress: Visualizes the percentage of completion over time
  • B. Progress Details: Indicates the cycle's key details
    • Click View All under Conversations to view and edit the participant's demographics; demographic changes only affect the cycle, learn more
  • C. Time Range: Click to expand a menu and apply a pre-set time range or the option to create a custom range

Export Reports

Use the export options to download PDF or Excel versions of the results.

Any active team views, filters, slices, etc. are reflected in the exported data.

To export the results into an external file:

  1. Click and expand Export in the top-right
  2. Select the export option to download the PDF or Excel file:
    • PDF reports are downloaded to your browser's downloads folder
    • Excel files can be downloaded from the Export History menu

Click Export History from the Export drop-down to view a log of exported Excel reports.