Send Test Survey Invitations Prior to Launch

Sending a survey to your organization can be nerve-racking. To help you ensure that all survey questions and emails about the survey look exactly as expected, you can now send test survey invitations to your colleagues before your survey launches.
On the last page of the Survey Setup, you will see the option to type in the name of any coworker who should receive a preview of the survey. You can specify whether you want your coworker to receive just the survey invitation email or any of the reminder emails that you have created for your survey.
The email will include a preview of the survey so that your colleagues can review the survey questions and better visualize the employee experience of taking the survey. Your coworkers’ responses to the test survey invitation will not be collected and will not impact your survey results.
Public Goal Owners Can Prevent Colleagues from Joining their Goal
When an employee creates a public goal in Quantum Workplace, that goal is searchable and visible to everyone within the organization. Previously, anyone in the organization could choose to join that public goal as a contributor or a follower.
While public goals are beneficial in improving transparency and understanding around goals, the option for employees to add themselves as contributors or followers to goals that are not their own can be burdensome for the owners of public goals. Now public goal owners can prevent other users in the organization from joining the goal as a contributor or follower.
Anytime a user creates a public goal, they will see the option to limit whether other users can join the goal from the Goal Users tab:.
In addition, goal owners (along with their upline managers and Admins) will be able to take away the option for users to join the goal as either contributors, followers, or both from the Goal Detail page.
Require Facilitators to Share their 1-on-1 Responses with Employees Once Approved
When Admins launch a 1-on-1 cycle in Quantum Workplace, they can require managers to submit their 1-on-1 responses for approval rather than sharing their responses directly with employees. In the past, once the managers' responses were approved (either by an upline manager or an Admin), they were automatically shared with the employee. In order to give organizations more control over when managers' approved responses are shared with employees, we are introducing a new setting that will allow Admins to require that managers share their responses with employees individually once they are approved.
When you enable this setting for a cycle, managers will submit their responses to the 1-on-1 as they normally would. Once their responses are approved, they will receive an email notification that lets them know that their responses have been approved and that they need to share their responses to the 1-on-1.
When managers log in to view their approved 1-on-1s, they will see a confirmation message that their 1-on-1 responses have been approved and will be able to share their responses with their employee.
Please contact your CSM if you would like to have the option to prevent a manager's responses from being shared automatically with the employee once they have been approved.
In-App Messaging Guides Managers through the 1-on-1s Approval Process

Anytime you require managers to submit their 1-on-1 responses for approval as part of a cycle, your managers will now see in-app messaging that clarifies what to expect once they submit their 1-on-1s. When a manager submits their 1-on-1 responses for approval, a window will appear to let them know who is reviewing their responses and that their responses will be locked for editing until they are approved.
This messaging is dynamic depending on the specific settings you are using within your 1-on-1 cycle, so if you give upline managers the option to approve 1-on-1s (in addition to Admins) the in-app message will indicate this. Similarly, if the manager's responses will be shared automatically with the employee once they're approved, that detail will be included in the message. If you are using the enhancement in order to require managers to share their responses with the employee once they are approved, that expectation will be set in this messaging.
Select Feedback Provider Reminders Will No Longer Send if Feedback Recipients Invite People Outside the Organization to Provide Feedback
When employees either request feedback or select feedback providers as part of a Feedback cycle, they have the opportunity to invite both coworkers and individuals outside of their organization to provide feedback for them. Previously, if a feedback recipient only invited people outside of their company and did not invite any colleagues to provide feedback for them, they would still receive emails reminding them to select Feedback providers. To mitigate any confusion, employees will no longer receive these reminder emails once they have added their feedback providers, regardless of whether the feedback providers are coworkers or people external to the organization.