March 17, 2021 | Turnover Rate is now Turnover Trends

Turnover Rate Analytics is now Turnover Trends

We have rebranded our Analytics offering that was previously called Turnover Rate to Turnover Trends. There are no product or functional changes associated with this name change, so everything you’re used to seeing within Turnover Rate will work the same way within Turnover Trends. 

Interested in learning how Turnover Trends can help you understand patterns of turnover within your organization? Contact your CSM for more information or learn more about Turnover Trends here.

Noteworthy Improvements:

1-on-1s Calendar Invitations

Previously, all 1-on-1s that were scheduled by individual users (as opposed to 1-on-1s that were part of a 1-on-1 cycle) listed whoever was the facilitator of the 1-on-1 as the “organizer” of the event in the calendar invitation. Going forward, whoever starts and schedules the 1-on-1 will be listed as the organizer of the meeting in calendar, regardless of whether they are answering the employee or the facilitator questions in the conversation. The organizer will be notified when the person they’re meeting with either accepts or declines the calendar invitation. 

Duplicating Goals

Any time that an employee duplicates a goal owned by someone else in their organization, the employee who is duplicating the goal will be added as the goal owner to that duplicated version of the goal.


Improved Clarity on Status of 1-on-1s within Analytics Export

Within 1-on-1 Analytics, you have the option to export all analytics for a cycle into Excel. For every employee and facilitator pairing who was included in a cycle, the Excel export includes their demographics, their responses to the 1-on-1, and whether they have completed their 1-on-1. Previously, the “Status” column within Analytics included the values of “Done” or “Not Done”. To make the 1-on-1 status clearer and more informative in this export, we have updated that column to include the values of Not Started, Started, Shared, and Finalized to match the 1-on-1 status that you will see from your 1-on-1s dashboard. If managers are required to submit their 1-on-1s for approval before sharing their responses with the employee, the status of "Pending Approval" will be displayed when appropriate.


Bug Fix

Feedback: We fixed a bug in which section headers were not appearing correctly within Request Feedback when employees created their own feedback templates instead of using existing org-wide templates.