July 13, 2022 - Release Notes

Capture Employee Feedback with Updated Survey Confidentiality Options

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Capture Employee Feedback with Updated Survey Confidentiality Options


Capture actionable feedback with our updated survey confidentiality options. Our updated confidentiality options include clear and distinct definitions to help you determine which level of confidentiality is best for your next survey. 

Survey creators can also preview the confidentiality message during the survey creation process. The confidentiality message will be shown when survey takers complete the survey.

Our updated survey options include:

Not confidential - Participant responses are attributed to them in analytics

Attributed - but not confidentiality statement on the survey is shown.

Mixed - Results in analytics are confidential. Admin user exports may contain participant information

Confidential - Analytics and all exports are confidential. Results can be sliced or filtered by demographic.

Anonymous - No participant information will be collected and slicing and filtering are unavailable.

Keep things as anonymous (or as attributed) as you like with the new survey confidentiality options in Quantum Workplace.

Learn more about survey confidentiality