Is the Engagement Survey Confidential?

In this article: 


Is this Survey Confidential? 

You can tell whether an engagement survey is confidential or not by looking at the Who Can See This? section on the survey itself. 

The following is an example of what you would see for a confidential survey: 


Depending on the confidentiality settings for a survey, the highlighted area will clearly indicate whether a survey is or is not confidential.

For more information regarding the confidentiality settings, contact the survey administrator or your HR team.

How Quantum Workplace Ensures Confidentiality

To ensure confidentiality, Quantum Workplace handles the administration of the survey and reporting of the survey results, so your organization never sees your individual responses. 

Quantum Workplace retains all survey data and therefore, can trace survey responses back to you- because of this, the survey is not technically anonymous. 

However, Quantum Workplace does not divulge the identity of any survey participants to your organization. Your responses are confidential. 

When your organization reviews survey data, it must always look at aggregate data. Your organization cannot view data for teams or groups of people who have not met the survey's minimum response threshold. Learn more about the minimum response threshold and how it protects employee confidentiality.

For more information, please refer to the Quantum Workplace Privacy Policy.

Confidentiality for Comments and Open-Ended Questions

Confidential surveys that include open-ended questions or the opportunity to add comments still ensure confidentiality and do not attach your name or identity to responses in any way. 

Note: If you include identifying information in your responses, individuals within your organization may be able to guess your identity.