How to Use the Goal Conversation Booster in 1-on-1s



 We created the Goal Conversation Booster to help managers and employees get a shared understanding of an employee’s progress on a goal at a glance. The Goal Conversation Booster encourages a dialogue that makes it easy for both parties to keep track of progress against goals and keep goals top of mind throughout the year. 

The Goal Conversation Booster can support any goal planning and review process. In particular, it can facilitate: 

  • Quarterly goal progress conversations
  • Goal-setting conversations
  • Informal goal check-ins between managers and employees
  • Conversations about goals the employee has recently accomplished

The Goal Conversation Booster helps you keep track of your discussion about a goal. What action items did you agree on?  How did you leave things the last time you talked? You can look through the comment history to find out. .

How to Add the Goal Conversation Booster to a 1-on-1 Template (as an Admin)

Admins can add the Goal Conversation Booster to any 1-on-1 template.  For each template that you add a Booster to, you can decide whether the Booster should automatically pull in all goals for the employee and their manager to discuss, whether it should pull in only a particular goal type (e.g., development goals), or whether you'd like to give employees and managers the option to decide which goals to discuss.

To begin, open the 1-on-1 template to which you'd like to add the Goal Conversation Booster.

  1. Click on Conversation Boosters. 
  2. Under Goal Review,  click Add to 1-on-1. 

3. Decide whether the goal review should appear at the top or bottom of the 1-on-1 template. 

4. You'll now see the Goal Conversation Booster pulled into your template. If you leave the template as is, employees and managers will have the option to pull any goal of their choice into the 1-on-1. If you want to designate which goals should be included in the 1-on-1, click the edit icon on the right. 

5.  From the resulting window, select which types of goals you would like to  be automatically included in any 1-on-1 conversation that includes this template and click Save Changes

6. Finish setting up your 1-on-1 template and finalize to make it available for use. 

How to Add the Goal Conversation Booster as a Manager or Employee

Managers and employees are both able to add the Goal Conversation Booster to a 1-on-1 even if the 1-on-1 template they're using does not already include the Booster. To add in the Goal Booster to any 1-on-1 template, click the Conversation Boosters from the bottom panel within your 1-on-1 and select Goal Booster. 

Once the Booster has been added (or if the 1-on-1 template that the employee and manager are using already included the booster), both parties will see a Goal Conversation section added in after the last question in their 1-on-1: 

Both the employee and manager will have the opportunity to select which goals should be added to the 1-on-1: 

Note: If the 1-on-1 template that the employee and manager are using already includes the Goal Conversation Booster AND designates that certain goals should be automatically added to the 1-on-1, those goals will be automatically added to the 1-on-1. 

Having a Goals Conversation

Once the employee and facilitator have both shared their side of the 1-on-1, an overview of each goal that was added will appear at the bottom of the 1-on-1.  In this overview you can:

  1. View the current status of and progress on this goal. 
  2. Update the goal. (Clicking this button will open a new tab for you to update the goal.)
  3. Review the employee’s recent updates to the goal.
  4. Read through any dialogue about the goal (if you have used the Goal Booster to discuss this goal in the past.)
  5. Add a comment about this goal.