Use and Manage 1-on-1s & Performance Reviews
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Lightweight 1-on-1s

Lightweight 1-on-1s facilitate a productive space for colleagues- typically managers and their direct reports, to prepare and meet with a predetermined agenda.

In this article: 



Lightweight 1-on-1s facilitate a productive space for colleagues- typically managers and their direct reports, to prepare and meet with a predetermined agenda. 

In this article, learn how to access, create, and use Lightweight 1-on-1s in Quantum Workplace. 

Learn more about 1-on-1 best practices.


  • Available to organizations without access to 1-on-1s

Access Lightweight 1-on-1s

There are two ways to access Lightweight 1-on-1s, via the Team Report when viewing a survey's analytics or from the 1-on-1 homepage.

Access Lightweight 1-on-1s via the Team Report

If Action Planning is enabled for a survey, to access Lightweight 1-on-1s from the Team Report:

  1. Click and expand Analytics in the left-hand navigation menu 
  2. Click Surveys & Pulses
  3. Click on a survey to navigate to the survey's analytics
  4. If the Team Report tab is not already active, click Change Team and select the appropriate team view
  5. From the Team Report tab, navigate to the bottom of the screen and click Set Them Up Today 
  6. Click View for the corresponding 1-on-1 participant with a scheduled 1-on-1 to navigate directly to the 1-on-1 view

Access Lightweight 1-on-1s via the 1-on-1s Homepage

To access Lightweight 1-on-1s from the 1-on-1s homepage:

  1. From the Quantum Workplace homepage, click 1-on-1s in the left-hand navigation menu
  2. Click View for the corresponding 1-on-1 to navigate to the Lightweight 1-on-1
    • Click the 1-on-1's corresponding icon to edit the schedule, or delete the 1-on-1 and return it to the Unscheduled section

Schedule & Create Lightweight 1-on-1s

When a 1-on-1 is created with another employee, both participants receive a notification and a calendar invite.

Each 1-on-1 and its recurrence will launch four days before the 1-on-1 date.

To schedule and create a Lightweight 1-on-1:

  1. Access the Your 1-on-1s page in one of two ways:
    • Click Set Them Up Today from the Team Report tab in the survey's analytics, learn more
    • Click 1-on-1s in the left-hand navigation menu, learn more
  2. Identify the team members without a scheduled 1-on-1 and click Set Up for the corresponding team member to open a 1-on-1 Setup modal
  3. Configure the 1-on-1's schedule:

    1. Specify the 1-on-1's date, time of day, and duration
    2. Specify how often the 1-on-1 should be held, i.e. weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.
  4. Click Create to finalize and schedule the Lightweight 1-on-1 with the team member

Use Lightweight 1-on-1s

In the 1-on-1 view, users will respond and complete the prompts before meeting. This ensures both participants are prepared for a productive conversation when the meeting does occur. 

To use and navigate through the 1-on-1 view:

  • A. 1-on-1 Navigation: Indicates the current 1-on-1
    • Use the arrows or click the current 1-on-1 title to quickly navigate to previous 1-on-1s with the same participant
  • B. Agenda & Smart Topics: 
    • Agenda: Where the 1-on-1 prompts can be completed
    • Smart Topics: Shuffle and use the Smart Topics to introduce various relevant topics into the 1-on-1 conversation
  • C. Participants: Indicates the two 1-on-1 participants and their share status
  • D. Action Items: Use Action Items to quickly remind both participants of any notes, tasks, or ideas, learn more about Action Items
  • E. Attachments: Where any external attachments are managed
  • F. Additional Options: Use the additional options to edit and manage the current 1-on-1 and future 1-on-1s between the two participants, learn more about the additional options available
  • G. Save Draft & Share: Click Share Draft to save and return to your progress, or click Share to finalize your responses

Share Responses & Finalize a 1-on-1

Once a 1-on-1 has been initiated between two colleagues, both users will be invited to share their thoughts and responses in the agenda.

To share your responses and finalize a 1-on-1: 

  1. Open the 1-on-1
  2. Complete the questions in the column under your profile of the 1-on-1
  3. Meet, either in person or via a video meeting, to discuss the questions and responses completed by both colleagues
  4. Make notes during the meeting, either for a specific question or via an Action Item
  5. Click Finalize

Once both parties have finalized, the 1-on-1 is complete.

The next 1-on-1 between the two participants will launch and be available four days prior to the specified 1-on-1 date.