Manage Feedback Visibility

Give and manage visibility into Feedback.

Last Updated: October 8, 2024

In this article:



As an admin or Feedback recipient, give and manage visibility into Feedback.

Additional Resources:


  • Available to full admin users
  • Available to the Feedback recipient

Give Feedback Visibility

Note: Admins and Upline Managers always have visibility into Feedback. 

To give a user visibility into Feedback:

  1. Click Feedback in the left-hand navigation menu
  2. Click View Feedback for the corresponding Feedback to access the Feedback results
  3. For the Feedback Visibility card, click the icon to expand a text field
  4. Enter and select the user(s)
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 to give additional users visibility into the Feedback

Remove Feedback Visibility

To remove a user's visibility into Feedback:

  1. Click Feedback in the left-hand navigation menu
  2. Click View Feedback for the corresponding Feedback to access the Feedback results
  3. For the Feedback Visibility card, hover your cursor over the user to reveal an icon
  4. Click the icon for the corresponding user to remove their visibility

Email Notifications

When given visibility into Feedback, the user receives the following email notification.