How to Create a 1-on-1 Template and Cycle

As an admin, learn how to create 1-on-1 templates and launch cycles that encourage productive conversation between managers and their employees. 

In this article:



As an admin, learn how to create 1-on-1 templates and launch cycles that encourage productive conversation between managers and their employees. 

This article is intended for admins creating 1-on-1 templates.

As an employee, to learn how to create a 1-on-1 template, click here.

Create a 1-on-1 Template

As an admin, creating 1-on-1 templates gives you the opportunity to facilitate discussions between employees and their managers.

Template questions are reviewed and completed by each participant before meeting in-person or virtually for a guided and productive conversation. 

Once created, templates can be reused or modified for future 1-on-1s.

Access 1-on-1 Templates

To create a 1-on-1 template, first access the 1-on-1 admin menu:

  1. Click and expand Administration in the left-hand navigation menu 
  2. Click 1-on-1s
  3. Click Templates
  4. Click New Template in the top-right
  5. In the New 1-on-1 Template, enter a name for the template
  6. Click Save and Continue to open the 1-on-1 Template creator

1-on-1 Template Creator

From the 1-on-1 Template creator, add questions and further configure your 1-on-1 template.

To create a 1-on-1 template:

  • A. Draft/Active Mode: Indicates the status of the template
  • B. Preview/Finalize & Activate: 
    • Preview Template: Test the template prior to publishing
    • Finalize & Activate: Publish the template for use across your organization
  • C. Template Options: Configure the template settings, e.g. name, permissions, language, etc.
  • D. Add Questions & Conversation Boosters: Add additional questions and sections, as well as Boosters to include Goals and/or Feedback features into the template

Template Options

Click Template Options to see more controls to further tailor your 1-on-1 template.

Each section can be clicked and expanded to reveal additional options. 

  • A. Template Name: Click to edit the name of the title.
  • B. Can be used by: Click to specify the users or demographics with access to the template.
  • C. Can be launched by: Click to specify if Admin-Initiated or User-Initiated 1-on-1s can use the template.
  • D. Can be launched in: Click to specify if the template is to be available in additional languages. 

Add Questions/Sections

To add your questions to the 1-on-1 template, click the icon (Figure 1).

  • A. Add Question/Section & Conversation Boosters:
    • Click the + icon to choose between Add Question or Add Section
    • Click the rocketship icon to add Goal Review and/or Feedback Booster to the template
  • B. Question Type: Specify the individual question's type:  
    • Open-ended: Respond via open-ended entries.
    • Multichoice: Respond via selecting between specified choices
    • Scaled: Respond via selecting a specified scale, i.e. 3-Point, 5-Point, etc. 
    • Bullet Point: Respond via multiple in-list inputs 
    • NPS: Respond via a scale to the question, How likely are you to recommend your organization to a friend or colleague? 
    • Agenda: Respond via entries and Smart Topics for a more organized and collaborative agenda
  • C. Required: Toggle to determine if the question requires a response to finalize the 1-on-1
  • D. Who is the Respondent?: Specify who is expected to answer the question
  • E. Employee/Facilitator Text: Enter the text that the Employee and Facilitator will see. You can also click Add from Library to choose from Quantum Workplace's best practice questions
    • The Show help text/description checkbox can be used to provide additional information or context

As you add questions and content to your template, use the Preview Template button to see the template from your participant's perspective. 

When you're satisfied with the template, click Finalize & Activate to publish the template and use it for future 1-on-1s. 

Launch a 1-on-1 Cycle

Note: The rest of this section will cover a Single Cycle.

Click to learn how to launch an Automated Cycle.

To launch a 1-on-1 cycle: 

  1. Click and expand Administration in the left-hand navigation menu 
  2. Click 1-on-1s
  3. Click Single Cycles 
  4. Click New Cycle to open the cycle creator as detailed in the following sections

Cycle Setup

  1. Cycle Type: Leave Single selected to launch a Single Cycle
  2. Cycle Name: Enter a title for your cycle, it's typically recommended to name a Single Cycle after the intended date of use
  3. About This Cycle: Optionally, enter any content or additional information about the cycle
    • Check the Include in emails box to include this information in the email invitation sent to participants
  4. Manager Analytics: Optionally, check this box to give managers access to aggregate, non-attributed analytics for their employees, this includes direct reports and all down-line employees
    • Managers and Upline Managers can always view 1-on-1s that occur in their downline individually
  5. Share Settings: Customize the settings for the 1-on-1
    • The most popular configuration is to select Box 1 and Box 3 
    • Mark as Performance Review is a BETA feature that visibly indicates a 1-on-1 cycle as being used for performance reviews

    • If Facilitators must 'Submit for Approval' before sharing is selected, responses from the manager/facilitator will require an admin to approve the response before the employee is notified and able to view the response

      • Allow upline managers to approve content would allow the facilitator's upline managers, in addition to admins, to approve a facilitator's response
      • After approval, facilitator must share... would require that the facilitator enter the 1-on-1 and click Share to allow the employee to view the facilitator's responses 
Click Save and Continue to complete the Cycle Setup step and continue.


On the Participants step, select the employees who will participate in this 1-on-1 cycle. 

By default, employees added to a 1-on-1 cycle have their managers automatically invited to participate. 

If necessary, the automatically invited manager can be manually removed and replaced with a specified manager or an employee to fill in for the manager's expectations.

To add 1-on-1 participants to the cycle: 

  1. Click Add Participants
  2. In the Add Participants modal, select the employees to add
    • Use the quick select to instantly select all users or all managers (Figure A)
    • Use the search/filter functions to add specific users or users based on a demographic, i.e. department, location, etc. (Figure B)
  3. Use the Select a Template drop-down to select the template (Figure C)
  4. Click Add [x] People
  5. Optionally, repeat steps 2-3 to add additional users who should use a different template

Once users are added to the cycle, you can see each 1-on-1 with the user, facilitator, and the template being used.


Change Facilitator

A red exclamation mark next to a user's name indicates that their 1-on-1 will not launch because a manager wasn't pulled in. To ensure the 1-on-1 launches successfully, assign a facilitator to the user:

  1. Select the ☐ icon for the user without a facilitator 
  2. Click and expand Change Facilitator
    • Assign to current manager: Select the user's manager according to the org tree
    • Assign to a specific person: Select a specified user to act as the user's facilitator in the 1-on-1

Learn more about changing 1-on-1 facilitators.

Set Schedule & Milestones

Enter the dates and times for each milestone in the cycle. Specify the times by clicking the date/time field and using the calendar picker. 

The final milestone, Cycle Locks, is the last date to fill out a 1-on-1. Neither the employee nor the Facilitator can complete the 1-on-1 after this date and time.

To extend a 1-on-1 cycle, return to this section and update the milestone date before the Cycle Lock date. 

After confirming your dates and times, click Save and Continue. This opens a modal with your cycle's information. 

To keep your cycle as a draft, click I'm not ready. Click Launch Now to go live and publish the cycle.