For Managers

How to Review Your Survey Results

As you review the reports,  consider the following:

  • What are some of the potential strengths you see in the results? Which survey questions have a high percentage of favorability (meaning your team members could strongly agree or agree to the question)?
  • What are some areas where there may be gaps in engagement? Which survey questions have a low percentage of favorability (meaning your team members could NOT strongly agree or agree to the question)?
  • Do you see any common themes? Are survey questions with a high percentage of favorability asking about similar topics? Or do the survey questions with a low percentage of favorability share similar themes?
  • How do the results of your team compare to the overall results for the organization? Are there results that you don't understand, perhaps where additional information from team members would be helpful?
  • Put in enough time to get a good sense of the results, but resist coming to final conclusions.

Video: How to Interpret Engagement Survey Results and Identity Commitments