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Monitor & Modify Your HRIS Integration

As an admin, monitor your HRIS integration to verify user file information and modify, if necessary, the demographics that are communicated via the HRIS integration.

Last Updated: January 31, 2025

In this article: 



Once an HRIS integration is established with Quantum Workplace, the platform automatically checks your organization's SFTP site for new employee information files daily, or according to a specified cadence. 

If a new file is detected, Quantum Workplace updates your employee information according to the new file. 

As an admin, monitor your HRIS integration to verify user file information and modify, if necessary, the demographics that are communicated via the HRIS integration.

Additional Resources:


  • Available to full admin users
  • Available to organizations with an active HRIS integration

Access Your HRIS Integration History

Monitor your HRIS integration history to view what information has been updated.

To access your HRIS integration history:

  1. Click and expand Administration in the left-hand navigation menu
  2. Click Integrations
  3. Click HRIS/HRMS
  4. Use the History tab to view the HRIS integration history

Monitor Your HRIS Integration History

To monitor your HRIS integration history:

  • A. Users Updated: This column indicates the number of employees included in the file; newly added users, e.g. new hires, are labeled as New, whereas users who have been included in a previous file are labeled as Modified, regardless of whether the demographics values for that user has changed
  • B. Errors Found: This column indicates the number of errors, if any, that were detected in the file
  • C. Warnings Found: This column indicates the number of warnings, if any, that were detected in the file
    • Notifications are not sent for a warning
  • D. Data File: Each row represents a date that the HRIS integration was updated using the file that was shared with your SFTP site; the most recent file is listed at the top of the screen with older updates listed below in reverse chronological order
    • Click on any file to export and view the data file

Modify Your HRIS Integration

To add or remove the types of demographics provided in your HRIS Integration, e.g. adding/removing Division as a demographic, requires coordination with your Customer Success Manager. Contact your CSM before modifying the demographics in your employee data file.

To add new demographics, add the new demographics as new columns at the end of your employee data file.