Team Goals

A Team Goal allows the Goal Owner to automatically add Team Members to the Team Goal to easily collaborate and complete team-oriented goals. 

In this article:



Team Goals are one of several goal types available when creating goals in Quantum Workplace. 

A Team Goal allows the Goal Owner to automatically add Team Members to the Team Goal to easily collaborate and complete team-oriented goals. 

Team Members are exclusive to the Team Goal type and should not be confused with Goal Contributors and Followers.

Learn how to create goals.

Learn how to use goals.

Add a User to a Team Goal During Goal Setup

To add a user to a Team Goal during setup: 

  1. From the first step of the Goal Creator, click and expand the Type field
  2. Click Team
  3. Continue to configure the goal 
  4. On the fourth step of the Goal Creator, in the Grant Team Member Access area, specify how team members are added to the team goal
  5. Choose one of two options:
    • Access by Downline: Specify who should have visibility into the team goal- the Owner's Direct Reports or the Owner's Downline
    • Access by Attributes: Specify the demographic attribute that should have visibility into the team goal, e.g. if the goal is specific to a location, use the office's location attribute to include all employees from that office

      • As you enter attributes, the number of relevant users can be accessed and viewed as a CSV file 
  6. Continue to configure and create the goal

Add a User to a Team Goal Already In-Progress

Managers who own the Team Goal can add new members to any open, in-progress Team Goals from the Goal Detail page.

To add a user as a team member to an in-progress Team Goal:

  1. Access the goal and navigate to the Goal Details page
  2. Click and expand the [x] Members drop-down 
  3. Click the edit icon to open the Edit Member Settings modal 

If Members Were Added Based on the Goal Owner's Relationships

To add a new team member to a Team Goal configured based on the user's relationship to the initial Owner:

  1. If the initial Goal Owner should be replaced, click Change (Figure A) and enter the employee for whom members are based on
    • Note: This does not update the Goal Owner
  2. Select how members are added based on their relationship to the user in Figure A
    • Direct Reports: Direct Reports to the employee in Figure A are automatically added as members
    • Downline: All employees in the downline of the employee in Figure A are automatically added as members
  3. Click Save

If Members Were Added Based on Attributes

To add a new team member to a Team Goal configured based on the selected attributes:

  1. Enter/delete attributes in the Demographic or Attribute field as necessary to include all of the relevant members
  2. Click Save

View Members of a Team Goal 

To view all of the current members of a Team Goal:

  1. From the Goal Details page for the Team Goal, click and expand the [x] Members drop-down
  2. Click the XML icon to download a file listing all of the Team Goal members
  3. Open the file from your browser's downloads

Manage Permissions for Team Members

By default, users added as team members have the ability to update the goal.

For Public Team Goals, by default, members can add and remove Goal Contributors and Followers. Learn how to manage Goal Contributors and Followers.

The Owner of the Team Goal can update these settings to manage the members' permissions.

Note: The permissions of members are independent of the permissions and abilities of Goal Contributors and Followers.

To manage the permissions for team members: 

  1. Access the goal and navigate to the Goal Details page
  2. Click and expand the [x] Members drop-down 
  3. Click the edit icon to open the Edit Member Settings modal 
    • Depending on how members were initially selected, i.e. based on the Owner's relationship or by attributes, you will see one of two modals
  4. Listed under, Members of this goal can, enable/disable the members' permissions
    • Post Updates: Allows a member to update the goal progress
    • Add Users: Allows a member to add another employee as a Contributor and/or Follower
    • Modify Users: Allows a member to switch Contributors and Followers, or remove them altogether 
    • View Goal: Allows a member to view the team goal
      • This permission can only be toggled on/off if the goal is Restricted, and not Public
  5. Click Save