Use and Manage 1-on-1s & Performance Reviews
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  3. Use and Manage 1-on-1s & Performance Reviews

Search, Archive, and Delete 1-on-1s

In this article: 


    Search for 1-on-1s

    From the 1-on-1s homepage, use the Filters card to easily search for a 1-on-1 across each tab, i.e. Inbox, Archived, and All 1-on-1s.

    • Only Your Direct Reports: Enable to only display 1-on-1s that involve a direct report, as either the employee or facilitator
    • Only 1-on-1s Pending Approval: Enable to only display 1-on-1s that were configured to require an admin to approve responses before sharing, learn more
    • Performance Reviews Only: Enable to only display 1-on-1s configured as a Performance Review cycle, learn more
    • By Demographics: Filter the view to only display 1-on-1s with participants that fall under the specified demographic, i.e. location, department, tenure, etc.
    • By Cycle: Use the drop-down to filter the view to only display the 1-on-1s part of the selected cycle
    • Search By Person: Filter the view to only display 1-on-1s that the specified user is involved in, as either the employee or facilitator

    Archive & Unarchive 1-on-1s

    Archiving a 1-on-1 removes it from the Inbox tab and moves it into the Archived tab.

    An archived 1-on-1 will return to the Inbox tab if the following occurs: 

    • A 1-on-1 participant shares or leaves a comment in the 1-on-1
    • A 1-on-1 participant finalizes their portion of the 1-on-1 when you have not finalized your portion

    Archive & Unarchive 1-on-1s in Bulk via the Inbox

    To archive multiple 1-on-1s:

    1. From the 1-on-1s homepage, select the ☐ icon for the appropriate 1-on-1(s)
    2. Click Archive to move the archived 1-on-1(s) to the Archived tab

    To unarchive multiple 1-on-1s: 

    1. From the 1-on-1s homepage, click and navigate to the Archived tab
    2. From the Archived tab, select the ☐ icons for the appropriate 1-on-1(s)
    3. Click Unarchive to move the unarchived 1-on-1s to the Inbox tab 

    Archive & Unarchive 1-on-1s via the 1-on-1 View

    To archive a 1-on-1 from within the 1-on-1:

    1. From the 1-on-1 view, click the ⋮ icon in the top-right corner to expand additional options
    2. Click Archive 1-on-1

    To unarchive a 1-on-1 from within the 1-on-1 view:

    1. From the 1-on-1 view, click the ⋮ icon in the top-right corner to expand additional options
    2. Click Unarchive 1-on-1

    Delete a 1-on-1

    If you have initiated a 1-on-1, you can delete the 1-on-1 at any point. 

    Once deleted, a 1-on-1 will not appear or be searchable across the 1-on-1 homepage tabs.

    To delete a 1-on-1:

    1. From the 1-on-1 view, click the ⋮ icon in the top-right corner to expand additional options
    2. Click Delete 1-on-1
    3. From the modal, select a reason for the deletion
    4. Click Yes, Delete 1-on-1