How to Create your own Request Feedback Template

You can create your own templates to use when requesting feedback from your coworkers

In this Article:
How to Create a Template
How to Adapt an Organization Template
How to Request Feedback using your Template


As an employee using Quantum Workplace, you can create your own templates to use when you request feedback from your coworkers. Creating a template allows you to write your own custom questions that you would like to ask your coworkers. 

From within Feedback in Quantum Workplace you will see a link to Your Templates in the top right corner next to New Feedback. Click Your Templates to view, edit, and create new Feedback templates.

How to Create a Template

Click Your Templates in the top right corner of your Feedback page to begin.

From the Your Templates page, click Create your new template.    

In the window that appears, you will be prompted to enter a title for your new Feedback template. Enter a title for your reference and click Save and Continue.

On the following screen, you will add the questions that you would like your colleagues to answer for you. Click the plus sign followed by Add Question to add each new question to your template. 

For every question you add, you will select the type of question you are creating.

Select Open Ended to create a "free response" question that will allow your colleagues to type in their response to the prompt. Select Scaled if you would like to ask your employees to rate their responses on a scale. Select Multichoice to create a Yes/No or multichoice question. 

For each question you create, you will type in the text of your question and click Add. 

By default, all questions you add to the template will be required, which means that your feedback providers will not be able to submit their feedback until they answer each required question. To give your feedback providers the option to skip a question, toggle Required from on to off in the top right corner of the question. 

When you are done adding questions to your template, click Finalize and Activate in the top right corner to make this template available to you to use for Request Feedback. 

Note: You can browse best practice questions to add to your template by clicking Add from Library


How to Adapt an Organization Template

You can also copy and modify any template that your organization has made available to you. From the Your Templates screen, click the Organization Templates tab to view a list of all available  Feedback templates. 


Then, click copy next to the template you would like to use as a starting point for your new template: 


In the window that appears, you will be prompted to enter in a new name for this template. Enter in a name for your reference and click Save


You can edit any of the existing questions on the template by clicking the edit (pencil) icon on the question. 

Then, type in the preferred text of your question and click Save Changes. 

When you edit the text of a question, a dialogue box will appear to confirm that you want to change the text of the question. Click Create New Question to continue. 

Click the plus sign to add new questions to your template. 

Once you have edited the template to your satisfaction, click Finalize & Activate in the top right corner to make this template available to you to use. 

How to Request Feedback using your Template

Once you have activated a template by clicking Finalize & Activate, it will be available to you to choose from when you request feedback from a coworker. 


Your new template will appear in the Select a Template drop down menu when you are setting up your feedback request.