Account Settings

Use the Account Settings to personalize account settings, profile photo, and notification settings.

In this article:



Use the Account Settings to personalize account settings, profile photos, and notification settings.

Access Account Settings

To access the Account Settings page:

  1. Click the profile icon to expand a drop-down menu
  2. Click Account Settings

Account Settings: General

Use the General tab to configure account details, i.e. time zone, password, language, etc. 

If your organization uses an HRIS integration, certain details such as name, job title, and email address will be overwritten by the HRIS integration the following business day. 

  • A. Email Addresses: Enter and edit the account's email address(es) 
  • B. First & Last Name: Enter and edit the first and last name as it appears in the Profile Card
  • C. Title: Enter and edit the title as it appears in the Profile Card
  • D. Time Zone: Click and expand the drop-down menu to select your preferred time zone
  • E. Language: Click and expand the drop-down to select your preferred language
  • F. Update Password: Use your current password to enter and confirm your new password

Account Settings: Profile Photo

Use the Profile Photo tab to upload a profile photo for your account.

For best results, use photos with a minimum of 160px. Profiles without a photo will list the user's first and last initials in place of their photo.

  • A. Current Profile Picture: Indicates your current profile photo
  • B. Delete Profile Photo: Click Delete Photo to remove the photo from your profile
  • C. Upload Profile Photo: Click the window to upload a new profile photo

Account Settings: Notifications

Use the Notifications tab to configure your notification settings.

Learn more about Notification Preferences.

  • A. Notification Delivery: Specify where notifications are delivered
    • Certain notifications are required to be sent via email
  • B. Notification Frequency: Specify how often notifications are delivered
    • Time-sensitive notifications are delivered immediately regardless of the notification frequency
  • C. Email Summaries: Depending on your organization's access to features, opt-in or opt-out of the feature summaries