Abandon a Goal

Abandoning a goal, rather than deleting a goal, is useful for keeping a record of a goal that may no longer be relevant or possible.

In this article: 



Abandoning a goal can be a great alternative to deleting a goal that is no longer relevant, whether that be because of changing team strategies, goal owners moving, etc. 

Rather than deleting a goal, it may be beneficial to abandon the goal. This closes the goal and updates the status to Abandoned, but keeps a record of the goal within Quantum Workplace.


  • Available to organizations with access to Goals

Abandon a Goal 

To abandon a goal: 

  1. Open the goal and navigate to the Goal Details page
  2. Click and expand the More Options drop-down menu in the top right 
  3. Click Abandon
  4. In the Abandon Goal modal, click Yes, Abandon Goal 

Resume an Abandoned Goal

Once a goal has been abandoned, it can be reopened and resumed to continue from where the goal was when it was abandoned. 

To search for and resume an abandoned goal: 

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  1. From the Goals home page, click and expand the State drop-down
  2. Click Abandoned Goals to filter the results to only abandoned goals 
  3. Click and open the abandoned goal 
  4. Click Resume in the top right