Goal Attachments

As a member of a goal, i.e. Goal Owner, Contributor, or Follower, you can add external files to the goal as an attachment.

In this article:



As a member of a goal, i.e. Goal Owner, Contributor, or Follower, you can add external files to the goal as an attachment.


  • Available to the Goal Owner, Contributor(s), and Follower(s)
  • Available to admin users

Goal Attachment Visibility

All users with visibility into the goal, i.e. Goal Owner, Contributors, and Followers, have access to attachments and can add attachments of their own.

Goal attachments can still be accessed and downloaded after a goal has been marked as complete, abandoned, or while the goal is in draft mode. Goals that have been deleted and restored will still include the attachment.

Add Goal Attachments

To add an attachment to a goal:

  1. Click Goals in the left-hand navigation menu to navigate to the Goals Dashboard
  2. Click on the goal to navigate to the Goal Details page
  3. Click +Add Attachments to open the Attachments modal
  4. Click and drag files into the upload window or click Click Here to Upload to select the file(s) to be added as attachments
  5. Click All Done

Manage Goal Attachments

Attachments can be downloaded by any goal member. Attachments can only be deleted by the user who uploaded the attachment or by an admin. 

To download or delete an attachment:

  1. Click Goals in the left-hand navigation menu to navigate to the Goals Dashboard
  2. Click on the goal to navigate to the Goal Details page
    • As any member of a goal, click the Download icon to downlowd the attachment to your device (Figure A)
    • As the uploader of an attachment, click the Trashcan icon to delete the attachment (Figure B)