How to Use Goals

Using Goals in Quantum Workplace gives you visibility into how your colleagues are contributing to the organization's success, as well as how your own efforts are pushing the organization forward.

Last Updated: August 9, 2024

In this article:



Goals are more than a way to measure organizational performance, goals can help focus your attention on what is important and prioritize your workflow accordingly.

Using Goals in Quantum Workplace gives you visibility into how your colleagues are contributing to the organization's success, as well as how your own efforts push the organization forward.

Watch a webinar recording to learn how to use and create goals.

Access Goals

The Goals Dashboard displays any goals you're associated with, this includes goals you created or goals that you've been given visibility into. 

This page gives you all the goal-related information at a glance and allows you to jump into existing goals or create new goals with a click. 

To access the Goals Dashboard:


  1. Click Goals in the left-hand navigation menu to open the Goals dashboard

Create Goals

To create a goal, click Create a New Goal in the top-right to navigate to the goal creator.

An auto-save feature saves your progress as you complete the process so you can safely return and resume at a later time.

Name & Type

On the Name & Type step, enter and select the Name, Type, and Privacy options for your goal. 

To complete the Name & Type page, enter the information in Figure A. Use the Goal Generator (Figure B) to supplement the goal creation process.

  • A. Name & Type: Configure the settings for the goal
    • Name: Enter the name of the goal as it will appear for your organization
    • Type: Click and expand the drop-down menu to select from the options
      • Developmental: Personal growth of a skill or competency, i.e. scheduling 1-on-1s with mentors, reading industry-related books, etc.
      • Personal: Goals set for yourself or individuals within your team to accomplish larger tasks and projects
      • Team: Goals set for an entire team that reflect everyone's collaborative effort
      • Organizational: Goals set for an entire organization
    • Privacy: Click and expand the drop-down to select from the options
      • Public: Goal updates and progress are visible to everyone 
      • Restricted: Goal updates and progress are visible to goal participants, managers, upline managers, and admins
      • Note: Once launched, the privacy settings for an Organizational goal can not be changed
    • More Options: Select from optional abilities to enrich your goal
      • AlignmentIf your goal directly relates to an existing goal, you can choose to align your new goal to the existing goal for added visibility. 
      • Description: Enter a brief description of your goal and its intended impact on your team and organization
      • TagsUse Tags to add keywords to your goal to make it easier to organize and search for this goal. 
  • B. Goal Generator: Complete the fields in the Goals Generator card to streamline the goal creation process with contextual and intelligent suggestions, learn more

Click Next to continue to the next step.

Key Results

On the Key Results step, enter the Key Result(s) for your goal.

Key Results are the actions to take to accomplish your goal. Each Key Result should be separated to easily manage and track your goal progress. 

To complete the Key Results page, enter the information in Figure A. Use the Key Result Generator (Figure B) to supplement the goal creation process.

  • A. Key Results: Configure the details for each Key Result
    • In the Key Result #[x] field, enter a description for the Key Result
    • Enter the starting and target values under the Start and Target fields respectively
    • Use the drop-down field to specify the Key Result's metric, i.e. Percentage, Numerical, Dollars, or Complete/Incomplete
    • Use the Tracking field to preview and confirm the metric
  • A. Key Result Options: Additional options available to you when configuring Key Results

    • C. Assign To: Click to assign the Key Result to a single goal member, i.e. Owner or Contributor
    • D. Duplicate: Click to duplicate the Key Result, this includes the name, start/target values, and measurement metrics
    • E. Delete: Click to delete and remove the Key Result
  • B. Key Result Generator: Using the data entered in the first step, the Key Result Generator creates a list of contextual, measurable Key Results to easily create effective goals
    • Click the suggested Key Results' corresponding icons to pull the Key Result into your goal, adjust the start/target values and metric is necessary
    • Click Try Again to generate a new list of Key Result recommendations

Click + New Key Result to add a Key Result to the goal.

Click Next to continue to the next step.

Goal Dates

On the Goal Dates page, select the start and end dates for your goal. 

As an admin, enable and customize a fiscal calendar for your organization to ensure quarterly goals are aligned with your organization's fiscal calendar. Learn more about Fiscal Year settings.

To specify the start and end dates for the goal:

  1. Click the current date range to expand a drop-down menu with a list of pre-set dates
  2. Select from the pre-set list or create a custom date range

Click Next to continue to the next step. 


On the Users page, you can choose to add colleagues as Goal Contributors.

To add colleagues as Goal Owners & Contributors:

  1. Optionally, click the corresponding to your name in the Owner field to delete your name and replace the Owner role with a different colleague; there can only be one Goal Owner (Figure A)
  2. Optionally, enter and click additional colleagues to add them as Goal Contributors (Figure B)
    • Users added as Goal Contributors are sent an email notification
  3. Configure the options to specify if additional users can join the goal as Contributors and/or Followers once the goal is launched (Figure C)

Click Next to continue to the next step.

Note: Admins can edit and delete goals, even if they're not included in the goal as an Owner, Contributor, or Follower.


The Review page will summarize the key aspects of your goal.

To review and launch the goal:

  1. Verify and confirm that the details of the goal are accurate
  2. Click Create Goal to launch the goal
    • Optionally, click Create in Draft Mode to continue editing and reviewing the goal before it's finally published, learn more about Draft Goals

View & Update a Goal

Once a goal is created or launched in draft mode, you are navigated to the Goal Details page. 

To navigate the Goal Details page:

  • A. Goal Progress: See the progress of the overall goal and each key result, learn how to update goals
  • B. Tracking: Visualizes the goal's overall progress on a timeline from its start to end date
  • C. Goal Activity: Lists the goal's activity with the most recent activity appearing at the top
  • D. Attachments: Add and manage attachments, learn more about goal attachments
  • E. Owners, Contributors, and Followers: Add and manage the colleagues associated with the goal, learn more

Export Goals

Goals can be exported as PDF and XLS files. To protect confidentiality, you can only export goals you have visibility into. Learn more about exporting goals

To export your goals:

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  1. Click Goals in the left-hand navigation menu to navigate to the Goals dashboard 
  2. Use the filters to display the soon-to-be exported goal(s)
  3. Click the Export drop-down menu in the top-right 
  4. Click Export Results to Excel or Export Results to PDF

Search for Goals

Use the Goals Dashboard to search for goals using the search bar or by various filters, i.e. goal type, state, alignment, etc. Learn more about searching for goals.

By default, the Goals Dashboard displays goals that you have visibility into.