Launch a Focused Feedback Cycle

As an admin, learn how to launch a single Focused Feedback cycle.

In this article:



As an admin, learn how to launch a single Focused Feedback cycle.

Focused Feedback is an approach to Feedback recommended to organizations who are new to Feedback or who want to position their employees to take action on only the most important feedback that they receive. Learn about Focused Feedback.


  • Available to admin users
  • Available to Focused Admin users if within their administrative scope, learn more

Launch a Focused Feedback Cycle

Contact your CSM/CIM to enable Focused Feedback for your organization. Once Focused Feedback has been turned on for you, you will have the ability to designate which cycle(s) should include Focused Feedback.


To launch a Focused Feedback cycle:

  1. Click and expand Administration in the left-hand navigation menu 
  2. Click Feedback
  3. Click Single Cycles
  4. In the top-right, click New Cycle
  5. Click Select for the Focused Feedback Cycle card

  6. This will navigate you to the Feedback Cycle Creator, continue with the next section to learn how to set up a Focused Feedback cycle

Note: The rest of this article covers the step-by-step process of launching a single Focused Feedback cycle, learn how to launch an automated Feedback cycle.

Cycle Setup

On the first step of the Feedback Cycle Creator, you will see the Cycle Setup step.

To navigate and complete the Cycle Setup step:

  1. Cycle Type: Leave Single selected
  2. Cycle Name: Enter the title of the cycle as recipients and providers will see it
  3. About this Cycle: Optionally, add any instructions or context for more effective feedback
  4. Manager Analytics: Check this box to give managers access to analytics for their hierarchy
  5. Advanced Options: Additional options to fine-tune your cycle, click the drop-down arrows for greater detail and to edit the default settings
    • Focused Feedback Mode: Toggle Focused Feedback on
    • Feedback Provider Selectors: Specify if managers or admins select Feedback Providers
    • Confidentiality: Specify if answers and comments are attributed or confidential*

    *If you are using Feedback Groups, we do not recommend setting answers/comments to confidential, because this will require each group to meet the minimum response threshold in order for managers to access the feedback their employees received. 

    Click Save and Continue.

    Feedback Recipients

    On the Feedback Recipients step, you will specify the employees who should receive feedback. You can also import Feedback Providers for each employee on this step.

    To add recipients:

    1. Click Select Feedback Recipients to open the Add Feedback Recipients modal 
    2. Select the ☐ icon for each employee to add them to the Focused Feedback cycle
      • Use Quick Select to easily select all employees or all managers, see Figure A
      • Search and filter by names, role titles, demographics, emails, etc., see Figure B
    3. Click and expand the Select a Template drop-down to specify the Feedback templates used for the selected employees, see Figure C
    4. Click Add People
    5. Optionally, repeat steps 2-4 if another group of employees should be added and use a different Feedback template
    6. Click All Done

    Import Feedback Providers

    To import Feedback Providers for each recipient:

    1. Click Import Feedback Providers 

    2. Click Download Participant File
    3. Open the file from your browser's download folder, see Figure A
    4. Enter the Feedback Provider's email in the RaterEmailAddress column in the row for the employee they should give feedback to
      • If a recipient should have an additional Feedback Provider, create another row and enter the additional Provider's email in the RateEmailAddress column
    5. When Feedback Providers have been added for each recipient, save the file in CSV format
    6. Use the Browse field to upload the CSV file, see Figure B
    7. Click Import

    To continue to the final step, click Save and Continue.

    Set Schedule & Milestones

    In the Set Schedule & Milestones step of the cycle setup, you will see two new milestone dates that are specific to Focused Feedback cycles:

    • Focused Feedback Is Due is the date that managers are expected to have summarized the feedback their direct reports received
    • Employee Visible Date is the date that direct reports should expect to have visibility into the Focused Feedback summaries provided by their managers.
      • Rather than waiting for the Employee Visible Date, admins can specify if direct reports should see their Focused Feedback immediately upon completion by their managers; admins can check the ☐ Immediately? icon in the Employee Visible Date card at the end of the cycle timeline

    To edit the dates and times for each milestone:

    1. Verify the date and time for each step
    2. Click the date/time field to open a modal where you can specify the new deadline
    3. Optionally, click Add Reminder or Delete Reminders as necessary
    4. Click Save and Continue

    Launch Cycle

    After completing each of the preceding steps, you are met with the final confirmation modal.

    Verify and confirm the details of the cycle, click Launch Now to finalize and launch the cycle according to the specified schedule.