1-on-1 Booster: Feedback Review

Within a 1-on-1, employees and managers can review Feedback together using the Feedback Review Booster.

In this article: 



Honest feedback is critical for professional growth, but knowing how to effectively receive and act on feedback isn't always easy. 

In addition to receiving feedback from multiple people and dealing with constructive criticism, it's important that employees focus on the most important insights and identify actionable steps based on the takeaways. 

To facilitate this process, employees and managers can discuss any feedback together within their 1-on-1s. Adding the Feedback Review booster to a 1-on-1 allows employees and managers to view and address the Feedback directly within the 1-on-1.


  • Available to organizations with 1-on-1s and Feedback enabled

Use Cases 

The Feedback Review booster is particularly useful when multiple people provide feedback for a single employee's performance.  

For example, matrixed organizations may rely on direct managers, matrixed managers, and project leads to provide feedback for a single employee. In these situations, the Feedback Review booster helps the employee and their direct manager distill insights across all of the feedback being received. 

Add the Feedback Review Booster to a 1-on-1 Template as an Admin

As an admin, add the Feedback Review Booster to a 1-on-1 template to encourage managers and employees to discuss recent feedback.

To add the Feedback Review Booster to a 1-on-1 template:

  1. Click and expand Administration in the left-hand navigation menu
  2. Click 1-on-1s
  3. Click Templates
  4. Select the 1-on-1 template to add the Feedback Booster to
  5. At the bottom of the template, click the + icon
  6. Under Conversation Boosters, click Add To Template for the Feedback Review booster
  7. In the Place Booster modal, click Top of Template or Bottom of Template 
  8. Click Save

Use the Feedback Review Booster as a 1-on-1 Participant

The employee and facilitator can use the Feedback Review booster to review the employee's Feedback and create Insights to take notes and act on themes found within the Feedback.

Regardless of the visibility settings for the original Feedback cycle/instance, both 1-on-1 participants have visibility into the Feedback. Users with visibility into the 1-on-1, i.e. users who are neither the employee and facilitator, however, require visibility into the original Feedback cycle/instance to view the Feedback within the 1-on-1.

To add and use the Feedback Review booster as a 1-on-1 participant:

  1. If the 1-on-1 automatically displays the Feedback Review booster, proceed to step 3; otherwise, click and expand the Conversation Boosters drop-down menu

  2. Click +Add corresponding to the Feedback Review booster
  3. In the 1-on-1, identify the Feedback Review booster and click Select Feedback to expand the Snapshot for the employee-side user

  4. Click Select for an eligible Feedback cycle

    Note: Only one Feedback cycle can be selected at one time
  5. Click the icon in the top-right to close the Snapshot
  6. Review the Feedback together and create Insights to discuss important themes and decide how certain themes can make for strong developmental goals
    • Click the Insights ribbon to expand a menu to enter and save takeaways from a specific Feedback instance
    • Any Insights created are only captured within the 1-on-1 and do not affect the original Feedback instance