February 21, 2024 - Release Notes

New Discussion Starter Generator (Beta), Lightweight 1-on-1s Enabled Across Plans

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New Discussion Starter Generator (Beta)

Introducing the Discussion Starter Generator, a new addition to our Action Planning solution.  We know engaging teams in discussions about survey results can be challenging. This feature provides managers and teams with targeted, impactful  starters to simplify these conversations, facilitating meaningful dialogue for post-survey engagement strategies.

Learn more about the Discussion Starter Generator.


Lightweight 1-on-1s Enabled Across Plans

Recognizing the significant role that 1-on-1 interactions play in driving engagement, we are excited to announce that we are enabling every customer with our Lightweight 1-on-1s feature. Employees who have regular 1-on-1s with their manager are almost 10% more engaged than those who have sporadic 1-on-1s and 32% more engaged than those who never have 1-on-1s. Our goal is to ensure that all users can leverage the benefits of meaningful, 1-on-1 conversations to enhance overall engagement at their organization.

Learn more about Lightweight 1-on-1s.