Dec 20, 2022 - Release Notes

Action Planning for Small Teams and Focused Feedback Progress Export

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Action Planning for Small Teams

Teams shouldn’t be excluded from driving engagement because of their size. Small teams that do not meet minimum response requirements can now add custom focus areas to any action plan.

Action plans help:

  • Identify improvements that will have an impact on engagement
  • Provide accountability for managers with their survey results

Custom Focus areas for small teams can be added under survey analytics under action plan. There you will find an add custom focus area button above your action item list.

Learn more about action planning



Focused Feedback Progress Export

Feedback cycles build healthy habits, but are ineffective if left unsubmitted. Administrators can now export focused feedback progress. The simplified report lets you view feedback status by recipient so you have visibility into manager progress. 

Navigate to feedback administration and select a focused feedback cycle. There you’ll see an export button in the top right.

Take the guesswork out of administration with the ability to see whether feedback is started or submitted. 

Learn more about focused feedback progress export