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Confidentiality Settings for Engagement Surveys

Learn about the confidentiality options available for your engagement surveys.

In this article: 



Quantum Workplace recommends using the confidential setting for your engagement survey. 

Maintaining confidentiality increases the likelihood of receiving open and honest responses from your employees, and tends to lead to a higher response rate. It's common for employees to expect and prefer that engagement surveys remain confidential. 

Learn more about survey confidentiality.

Should my survey be confidential or attributed?

Confidential Engagement Surveys

The recommended confidentiality setting for engagement surveys. 

The Confidential option strictly protects the identity of survey participants. No one from your organization will be granted access to raw survey results that would attribute survey responses to survey participants. 

To further protect participant confidentiality, a minimum response threshold is in place. This prevents individuals from being identified in the analytics via slicing and filtering the results unless the minimum response count is met. 

Learn more about the minimum response threshold.

Learn more about the Confidential confidentiality option.

Confidentiality Messaging in Surveys

Survey participants see the following message when completing their survey:

Your response to this survey is confidential. Responses are compiled and analyzed as a group. 

Attributed, Not Confidential Engagement Surveys

Non-confidential surveys are typically not recommended for engagement surveys. 

The Not Confidential option ties survey participants directly to their responses and comments by name within the survey's analytics.

Learn more about the Not Confidential confidentiality option.

Confidentiality Messaging in Surveys

Survey participants see the following message when completing their survey: 

 Your response to this survey is not confidential and can be tied to your identity.

Mixed Engagement Surveys

Mixed engagement surveys, similar to Confidential surveys, protect the identity of survey participants. Unlike Confidential surveys, however, admin users can export survey data that optionally contains participant information. 

To protect participant confidentiality, a minimum response threshold is in place. This prevents individuals from being identified in the analytics via slicing and filtering the results unless the minimum response count is met. 

Learn more about the minimum response threshold.

Learn more about the Mixed confidentiality option.

Confidentiality Messaging in Surveys

Survey participants see the following message when completing their survey: 

Your answers to this survey are confidential subject to [Your Org's] privacy policy.