Comments Report

If you purchased Insight or Insight Plus, the Comments Report will show all comments left by employees on the survey.

The Comments Report display all comments and answers to open-ended questions that your employees left on the survey.  Comments are grouped under the heading of the question or prompt they were left in response to. 

Comments Report BPTW-1


You can use the Search bar in the center of the page to search for comments that contain a specific key word or phrase:

You can also view responses broken out by a particular employee demographic. Click the Select a demographic drop down menu and choose one of the available demographics:

Now all comments will display grouped by the prompt they were in response to AND by the demographic you've selected:

At any point, you can export the comments you're viewing into Excel or PDF using the Download button in the top right corner. If you have a demographic selected or at the time that you export the comments, your export will include comments broken out by that particular demographic.