Survey Questions & Benchmark Data

Benchmarks provide a valuable reference when viewing and comparing survey results against past data points and industry standards. 

In this article:



Benchmarks provide a valuable reference when viewing and comparing survey results against past data points and industry standards. 

When designing a survey, it's recommended to use Quantum Workplace's Best Practice questions with built-in benchmarks to ensure consistent and robust benchmark data. Additionally, the survey creator automatically identifies questions and recommends benchmark options to map to. 

Survey Question Edits & Benchmarks

Survey questions can be edited and still provide benchmark data as long as the question retains the intent of the original question. 

Consider the question- When the organization makes changes, I understand why.

  • Acceptable: When [my company] makes changes, I understand why
    • This question has been edited but retains the original version's intent, therefore the question can keep the benchmark data
  • Not Acceptable: When [my manager] makes changes, I understand why
    • This question has been edited and has had the intent significantly changed; the original question referenced the organization's level of communication while the edited question references the manager's ability to communicate

Map Questions via the Survey Creator

When creating a survey, the Questions step of the survey creator identifies if a question can be mapped to an available benchmark. Questions identified with a potential benchmark match are indicated with a Possible Issue alert for the specific question.

To map an identified question to a benchmark:

  1. On the Questions step of the survey creator, identify the question with a potential benchmark match, as indicated by the Possible Issue alert (Figure A)
  2. Click [x] Possible Issue to expand the question details
  3. Click Map Question to map the question to the benchmark indicated in the Benchmark Available alert (Figure B)
  4. Click Save Question
  5. Continue to design and launch the survey