Administrator-Enabled Goals Emails

As an admin, you can set up automatic reminder emails to be sent to your employees to prompt them to update their Goals. If enabled, these emails will be delivered to every employee who has Goals enabled.

In this article:



As an admin for your organization, learn how to enable/disable goal emails and customize their cadence and send-date. 

This article also includes information and examples for goal reminder emails and goal summary emails. 

How to Enable/Disable Goal Emails

To enable/disable Goals emails: 

  1. Click and expand the administration drop-down menu
  2. Click Goals
  3. Click Preferences
  4. Click the edit icon for Goal Reminder Email and/or Goal Summary Email 
  5. In the first drop-down menu, enable or disable the email and specify the cadence of emails
  6. If emails are enabled, specify the day of the week to send emails
  7. Click Update Email Preferences to finalize your updates

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Goal Reminder Email

If enabled, the goal reminder email sent to Quantum Workplace users with Goals enabled includes a call-to-action to encourage users to update their goals. 

Goal Summary Email

If enabled, the goal summary email provides recipients with updates for any goals across the organization as well as goals they're associated with, whether as an Owner, Contributor, or Follower. 

Users can also click the link within the email to navigate directly to the goal within Quantum Workplace and make updates.