How to Assign a Goal to a Coworker

Any user can create a goal on behalf of a coworker or assign a goal that they currently own to a coworker. Admins can update the goal owner for any goal.

In this Article:

How to Create a Goal on Behalf of a Coworker
How to Assign a Goal to a Coworker

How to Create a Goal on Behalf of a Coworker

Any employee can create a goal on behalf of a coworker in Quantum Workplace.

To create a goal for a coworker, start by clicking the Create a New Goal button in the top right corner of your Goals Home Page. Beginning setting up the goal as you normally would by entering a Goal Name and Key Results for the goal. 

From the Goal Users tab under the Goal Configurations header, click the X by your name to remove yourself as the Goal Owner. Type in the name of your coworker who should be the goal owner and click their name to add them.

Finalize your set up for the goal. When you click Create and Launch, the goal owner will be notified via email and bell alert that you have added them as the goal owner for this goal.

How to Assign a Goal to a Coworker

Goal owners can re-assign any goal that they currently own to another coworker. In addition, any upline manager of the current goal owner or any Admin user of Quantum Workplace can re-assign any goal to a new owner.

To begin, click on the goal that you want to edit (either from your Goals Page or your Home Page) to get to the detailed goal page: 

Next, locate the list of goal contributors and followers on the bottom right side of the page. If the person you would like to add as the new goal owner is not a goal contributor or follower, add them as a contributor by clicking the + sign next to Contributors. Then, click on the vertical ellipses by their name and click Make Owner to make them the new goal owner and to make the current goal owner a contributor.