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Creating a BambooHR API Key for Integration

An important part of integrating BambooHR for syncing user data is the API Key. The following instructions will show you how to create a new application programming interface (API) key in order to start setting up an integration with Quantum Workplace.

Creating an API key for your Integration

Log in to Bamboo HR as an administrator. You'll want to create a dedicated user to support the integration, with an Admin Level access. Then, log in as that user and generate the API key. When you create an API key, the API key has the same amount of access as the user who creates it. 

Set up a Non-Employee User

Go to Access Level "Admin" and select "Add a Non-Employee User" in the action menu. You will then be able to enter the first name, last name and email address of the user. Once you create the user, you can assign them to the Custom Access Level.

If necessary, you can create an email alias for the integration so you can connect it to your original email address. For example, if your regular email address is jane.doe@yourdomain.com and you want to create a non-employee user with the same address then you can use an email alias such as jane.doe+integration@yourdomain.com.

Create the API Key

Log in as the non-employee user and create an API key for the integration. This way the API key will only have the same access as the non-employee user you created.

Navigate to your profile picture in the top-right corner of your account and select "API Keys."

Add a New Key

Click "Add A New Key."

The access allowed by each API key is based on the Access Level of the user who generated it. 

From here the API key will be generated. You can have multiple API keys associated with a user at the same time.  

Click "Show" to show the entire API key. Copy that value into a notepad or text application, as you'll need to share this API key with your Customer Success Manager at Quantum Workplace.