Use & Manage Feedback

Archive & Unarchive Feedback

Archive Feedback to better organize your Feedback Inbox.

In this article:



To help organize your Feedback Inbox, archive Feedback to move Feedback from the Inbox tab to the Archived tab. 

Archived Feedback only affects the user who decided to archive the Feedback session. The same Feedback session is not archived for other users, nor is anyone notified that you archived Feedback.


  • Available to all users with access to Feedback

Archive Feedback via the Feedback Homepage

To archive a Feedback session:

  1. Click Feedback in the left-hand navigation menu to navigate to the Feedback Inbox tab
  2. Select the ☐ icon for each Feedback session to archive
  3. Click Archive

Archived Feedback can be found in the Archived tab.

Archive Feedback via the Feedback Results Page

To archive a Feedback session:

  1. Click Feedback in the left-hand navigation menu to navigate to the Feedback Inbox tab
  2. Click on the Feedback session to navigate to the Feedback Results page
  3. Click and expand the More Options drop-down
  4. Click Archive Feedback

Archived Feedback can be found in the Archived tab.

Unarchive Feedback 

Archived Feedback automatically moves back to the Inbox tab if any new feedback is given or if someone comments on feedback that you gave.

To manually unarchive Feedback:

  1. Click Feedback in the left-hand navigation menu to navigate to the Feedback Inbox tab
  2. Click and navigate to the Archived tab
  3. Select the ☐ icon for each Feedback session to unarchive
  4. Click Unarchive

Unarchived Feedback can be found in the Inbox tab.