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Survey Analytics Tools

Use the different analytics tools available to you to analyze survey results from a variety of angles.

Last Updated: October 16, 2024

In this article:



Use the different analytics tools available to you to analyze survey results from a variety of angles.

Once enabled, any filter, slice, or comparison will remain active as you navigate between different reports or export results until manually disabled. 

Additional Resources:


  • Available to full admin and survey-admin users
  • Available to users granted access via the survey's Access Settings, learn more


Use the Filter function to isolate and view survey results relevant to the specified demographic(s).  

For example, if the demographic, Department: Human Resources, is enabled, then the survey results will reflect only how the employees in the Human Resources department responded to survey questions.

Enable/Disable a Filter

To enable a filter:

  1. Click Filter to open the Filter By modal
  2. Use the search function or demographic category's corresponding drop-down arrows to expand a list of possible demographics
  3. Click and select the relevant demographic(s)
  4. Click Apply

To disable a filter: 

  1. Click Filter to open the Filter By modal
  2. Disable the demographic(s):
    • For single demographics, click the demographic's corresponding icon (Figure A)
    • For multiple demographics, click Clear All to disable all active demographics in bulk (Figure B)
  3. Click Apply

Slice By

Use the Slice By function to highlight how a demographic category responded to a survey question. This represents a broad range of the demographic category's favorability but can also reveal each demographic's favorability.

For example, if the demographic category, Department, is enabled, then the survey results will reflect a range of favorability for all departments. Hovering over the range of favorability reveals how each different department scored.  

Hover over the favorability range and click on a specific demographic to highlight the. demographic's favorability across the report.

Enable/Disable a Slice

To enable a slice:

  1. Click Slice By to open the Slice By modal
  2. Click the relevant demographic to slice by
  3. Click Apply

To disable a slice:

  1. Click Slice By to open the Slice By modal
  2. Click the active slice's corresponding icon or click Clear
  3. Click Apply

Compare To

Use the Compare To function to compare survey results against previous surveys and/or industry benchmarks. 

Active comparisons are represented by a pin of a specific shape and color, and can be seen alongside the favorability for easy comparison.

Enable/Disable a Comparison

To enable a comparison: 

  1. Click Compare To to open the Compare To modal
  2. Click the relevant comparison(s)
  3. Click Apply

To disable a comparison:

  1. Click Compare To to open the Compare To modal 
  2. Deselect the specific comparisons or click Clear All to reset
  3. Click Apply

Time Range

Use the Time Range function to filter reporting data by a specified time range. Select from pre-set time ranges or create a custom range.

Enable/Disable the Time Range

To enable the Time Range function:

  1. Click and expand the All Time drop-down menu
  2. Select a pre-set time range to filter the results according to the selected range
    • Optionally, click Custom Range to specify your own time range; click Apply to enable the custom time range

To disable the Time Range function:

  1. Click and expand the current time range's drop-down menu
  2. Click All Time to reset the time range

Trend Over Time

Use Trend Over Time to organize and analyze results by grouping them according to the month or quarter they were collected. Trend Over Time is especially helpful for surveys conducted over longer periods of time. Learn more about Trend Over Time.