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ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) SAML SSO Setup With Quantum Workplace

From Your ADFS Server:

  1. Go to the Relying Party Trusts folder.
  2. Click Add Relying Party Trust. 2 Click Add Relying Party Trust_2
  3. Click Start. 3 Click Start_1
  4. Fill in the Metadata URL: then click Next.4 Fill in Metadata URL
  5. Enter a Display Name that is different than the name of the original then click Next5 Enter Display Name
  6. Choose your Access Control Policy then click Next6 Choose Access Control Policy
  7. Be sure the Monitor relying party box is checked then click Next. 7 Monitor Relying Party
  8. Click Close  on the Finish window.
  9. If the Add Rule box automatically pops up, skip to step 10. If not, right click on Quantum Workplace new and select Edit Claim Issuance Policy.8 Click Edit Claim Issuance Policy
  10. Click Add Rule
    9 Click Add Rule
  11. Be sure Send LDAP Attributes as Claims is selected from the drop down menu then click  Next. 10 Send LDAP Atrributes as Claims
  12. Fill out your Claim rule name, select your Attribute store, and fill out Mapping of LDAP attributes to outgoing claim types11 Claim Rule Name
  13. Follow these steps to enable the configuration within Quantum Workplace.
    1. Metadata link should be in the following format: https://<hostname>/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml
    2. Examples: